Chapter Three

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"I'll see you guys later." Vic said to his friends before running the rest of the way home. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out before walking inside.

He looked around but didn't see his father anywhere. He noticed it was quiet too. He smiled before walking up to his room. He still didn't see any sign of his father.

Did he leave? He wondered. He just shrugged and walked into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. He dried and got dressed and just laid in bed, listening to music.

His thoughts drifted off to his little brother. He began to realize that everything was perfect about him. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his soft skin, everything.

Vic sighed happily and just laid there smiling. But his smile quickly faded when his father appeared in the room. Vic quickly stopped his music and just stared at his father, waiting for what was going to happen.

His father chuckled before sitting on the bed beside Vic. "You know... you remind me of a girl," He bit his lip. "I was wrong about you being ugly."

He ran his fingers through Vic's hair and Vic just sat there in shock and fear.

"Your legs are nice." His father whispered. Vic felt his eyes grow wide. His heart was started to beat faster. What's he going? Vic asked himself mentally. "And you have a nice ass."

"I gotta go." Vic said quickly and jumped up from the bed, but his father grabbed his wrist and pulled him back on the bed.

"Where's Mike?"

"I-I don't know." Vic stuttered. His father grinned before pulling Vic's clothes off.

"No! Stop it!" Vic screamed and kicked. "Mike! M-"

His father punched him across the face.

"Don't fight back, or I swear I will kill you and shut up." His father whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek.

"Please, stop. I-I won't tell anyone I promise. Please dad."

"Shut up I said." His father snapped and ran his finger down Vic's chest.

"Now, let's have some fun." His father whispered in his ear. Vic just laid there, too afraid to speak or fight, so instead, he cried.

Not too far away from the tragic that was happening there, Mike stood pressed against the wall, making out with his ex-boyfriend, Tony.

Mike felt a little odd that he thought of Vic while he was kissing Tony. He was just imagining it was Vic standing there pushing him against the wall. His body next to his.

Mike had a feeling that something was wrong, he tried to push the feeling away but couldn't.

He pulled away from Tony and sighed. "Sorry, but I gotta go home now."

Tony nodded. "Okay. That's fine. Are you okay though?"

Mike smiled and pecked Tony's lips. "Yeah I'm fine. I just promised my brother I'd be home by now."

Tony smiled. "Okay. I'll see you later then."

"Yeah. C'ya." Mike said before rushing off home.

He noticed the house was quiet. He didn't see his father or Vic anywhere. He ran upstairs and straight into Vic's room.

There sat Vic in this corner of the room, staring at the wall. Mike came closer to him and gasped at the sight.

Vic sat there, his cheek bruised, bloody nose, and a razor blade in his hand. Mike just stared at Vic when he noticed the cuts and dry blood on his arm.

"Vic?" Mike whispered. But Vic didn't answer, not even look up at him. Mike sat down beside him and gently took his arm.


"Stay away from me. Don't-don't touch me." Vic said in a trembling, shaky voice.

"Vic, what happened?"

Vic moved away from him, but Mike grabbed his leg, wanting answers.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" Vic yelled and punched Mike over and over. The sobbing came back and he ran into the bathroom. He shakily locked the door and slid down onto the cold floor.

Mike gently pecked on the door. "Vic, please open the door. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Vic sighed shakily before he hesitantly unlocking the door. Mike fell onto the floor and wrapped his arms around Vic who was shaking and cold.

"You lied to me." Vic sobbed. "You said you'd be here for me! You said you wouldn't him hurt me anymore."

"Vic, I'm so sorry. I lost track of time and-"

"Where were you?" Vic said in a whisper. Mike looked down.

"I was with Tony."

Vic shakily sighed. "You're stupid."

"What did he do to you?" Mike asked and slowly took the blade away from Vic.

"Nothing." Vic answered quickly.

"You have to tell me."

"He... ra-raped me."

Mike sat there in shock. His angry was building up once again. He gritted his teeth angrily and punched the wall.

"Where is the sick bastard?" Mike asked through gritted teeth.

"I don't know." Vic whispered. "Please, Mike calm down."

"How the fuck can I calm down when he fucking raped you? This is all my fault. I should've been here I-"

"Shhh. Hush. It's not your fault." Vic said.

Mike started to cry. Warm tears running down his cheeks. Vic straddled him and cupped both his cheeks. They both stared into each other's eyes.

"Mike, stop crying. It's not your fault." He wiped away the tears with his thumbs.

"Yes it is. I should've been here for you."

"Mike, just-"

But before Vic could finish his words Mike had their lips connected. Both boys kissed hungrily and in sync. Mike slowly ran his tongue across Vic's bottom lip, asking for an entrance which Vic granted.

Mike tangled his fingers in Vic's hair and pulled at it as he gently sucked on Vic's bottom lip. Vic winced and gently rocked his hips into Mike's. Mike nibbled on Vic's bottom lip before kissing him with passion.

Both boys were breathing heavily, so they pulled away from the kiss. Vic slowly stopped moving his hips.

Mike cupped Vic's cheek and kissed him one last time. "We should get you cleaned up."

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