meeting him

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Your name is Summer
You bestfriends name is Emma
Your ex boyfriends name is Chase
Your sisters name is Madison

Part one
I walked into the coffee shop super hungry and I really had to pee.
"Emma I am starving but I really need to pee so can u order for me?"
"Yea of course!" Emma replied
I told her my order and ran to the bathroom but of course it was a one person bathroom for both males and females. Two people were waiting infront of me but i could barely hold it in.
"Shit." I whispered under my breathe
But the woman in front of me heard me and then turned around.
"Hi." I said
"Hello sweetie" she replied
"R you alright?" She asked
"Yes, I'm fine but I really need to pee."
I guess she noticed I wasn't alright because I was practically dancing around trying to hold it in.
"Would you like to go in front of me?"
"I mean yea, is that okay?"
"Yea go ahead honey" she replied and then just walked away
Ok that was creepy I thought to myself and by the time me and the old lady finished talking the guy in front of her was almost done using the bathroom. I heard the door unlock and at this point I was about to slam the door down. Finally the door opened and I saw a boy standing in front of me. Holy shit. I didn't have to pee anymore all I could think about was who was standing in front of me. I opened my mouth about to scream his name but he pulled me in the bathroom and locked the door before I could say a word.
"please don't scream my name." He whispered
"R you..?"
"Yes, I'm Finn wolfhard" he said cutting me off
"Im summer" i said
Omg finn wolfhard is kidnapping me I thought to myself.
"Holy shit." I squealed
"Shhh." He answered putting his fingers on my lips
omg finn wolfhard is touching my lips I thought to myself. I could barely see him through his huge sweatshirt and beanie hat on. That is probably why no one noticed him because he was wearing so much to cover himself up.
"Finn don't you live in Canada?"
"I recent moved to LA (where I live)"
"And since this place is like the least populated place in la, I like it here" he said smiling softly
My memory of really having to pee came back, but I didn't want this time to end.
"Hey Finn, I really need to pee"
"O ya ofc go ahead nice meeting you" he replied kindly
"Wait maybe I could show you around a little since you just moved here. There are some really nice places you might not know about" I asked nervously
"That sounds really fun Summer I would love to"
I smiled at him and he smiled back his big brown eyes are so adorable and he is so kind.
I only watched the first season of stranger things but my bffs Emma and Brynn loved the show and talked about the cast non stop so that's how I knew Finn. I never realized how hot he was though!
He walked out of the bathroom and I locked the door behind him. I ran back to the toilet and sat down. Ahhh.
I thought about all the great places I could show him. I was so excited.
Shit. I totally forgot Emma is with me too. what do I do?! Great idea, I will just asked her to join us. She is gonna be so happy! I'm so excited but also super nervous. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I walked out and saw 4 people standing in front of me waiting to use the bathroom. They didn't look happy. Oops.
I ran to Emma, she was sitting at a table with my iced Carmel coffee.
" what the hell took you so long" Emma asked kinda angry
"Emma you won't believe what happened!!"
"Omg what?!"
I told her the whole story and by the time I finished her jaw was down to the ground and her eyes in amazement.
" and you can come to" I squealed
" Summer, I can't I have babysit" she replied sadly
"NOOO" I shouted everyone turning around to look at me
"And summer where even is this Finn wolfhard?"
I didn't even realize he was no where to be found. My eyes scammed the whole shop and I even looked around. He was no where in sight.
"Well I guess he left, he probably was getting to much attention" I answered
"Right. Summer are you sure it was Finn wolfhard. He lives in Canada first of all and second of all it's very unlikely he would be in this coffee shop in this part of LA it is no where near Hollywood." She said judgingly.
"I told you already he likes less populated places!"
"Alright well good luck finding him. Bye sum love you" she replied and left.
"Bye em I love you too" I said with a bit of sarcasm
Maybe she was right though. Maybe it wasn't him. I thought to myself. What if it wasn't?

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