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I grabbed the silver lighter from my pocket, flicking the cap open and using my thumb to ignite the fire. Burns covered my hands from when I started years ago. Being an arsonist doesn't include a starters guide. I had made sure to set everything up before this event. I made sure everything was planned. I took one last look around and flung the lighter onto the building. The flame was small at first but then began to grow with each passing second. The heat was felt from where I stood and I adored it. The way something so tiny, the size of a lighter for example, intrigued me. That little lighter was able to light candles, and cigarettes yet also had the power to burn down buildings. amazing. This was truly euphoria. To think that I had caused this put a smile on my face. I stood watching for thirty seconds before fleeing the crime scene. I had heard what people said about me on the news. They didn't know me exactly, they were still trying to figure out who was doing this stuff. I heard on the streets and on the news "oh he must have pyromania" and "He should control himself!" But the truth is I can't. Setting fires was a part of me. Like drugs and bad habits, it was adicting. After several years I had never been caught, never left a trace, nor will I ever. I was skilled. I was crazy. This was my stress reliever. My life revolved around it. I craved the power it gave me. Control. After I was a safe distance away from the crime scene I caused, I stopped my car. No one knows. I grinned. I stepped out of my car and walked into the seven-eleven, my fingers mindlessly playing with the lighter in my pocket, the metal was cold. I always had tons of lighters around, making sure I always had one to satisfy my needs. Now that I had burned down the childcare center I was ready to plan my next fire. I will never stop until I feel like I have gotten revenge and I have a feeling that I never will, so I will continue. I walked into the convienient store and got a cherry slushie and a bag of chips. I took a sip from the slushie and turned, making my way to the cashier. I stood in line, waiting for the guy infront of me to finish buying a few drinks and bags of pita chips.

"How much will that be again?" He asked, causing an eyeroll from me. He had brown, curly hair. Another characteristic that caught my attention was his height. I saw him take out his wallet and hand a twenty dollar bill to the cashier. A badge. He was a detective. No problem. A five dollar bill floated to the ground as the man was putting his wallet away. I bent down and picked up the slightly wrinkled bill.

"Here" I said, handing him the money. He turned, confused but then looked at my out stretched hand. He got his five dollars and thanked me. I faked a smile and nodded. He turned around to get his stuff and as quickly as it had come, my smile left my face.

"Thanks again...." The man said. To me it sounded more like a question. It took me several moments to realize he wanted my name. No way.

"Yeah yeah" I dismissed "Move out of the way"

He looked offended as I pushed past him to get to the cashier. I put my slushie and chips on the counter and pulled out six dollars, handing it to the man. It wasn't until everyone In the convenient store had noticed, that I realized my lighter fell out of my pocket. crap. I saw Mr. detective examine the fallen object. I tried my best to look not-worried as I picked the lighter up. I turned back towards the register and grabbed my already-paid-for bag of chips and slushie, avoiding all eye contact with the detective and went inside my car. Close one. I opened the salt and vinegar snack. I stuffed some chips in my mouth before starting my car and backing out of the parking lot, heading towards my house. The drive was short. My house wasn't huge since I didn't want to catch the attention of people who pass by. For me, it was perfect. I only enjoyed the company of me, myself and I, and I don't like the idea of being close to people. Although I never knew why. I finished the slushie and chips and threw out the trash in the bin. I undressed and headed into the bathroom, my feet feeling cold as it touched the tile floor. I took the lighter out of my pants and put it inside the sink. I had to have it near me... I jumped in and turned the water to the hottest temperature I could stand. All I could think about was what hints I'm going to leave this time. First I must know what my next target is going to be. I got out of the shower with my skin red from the steamy water. I didn't bother with the towel. I walked to the only room in the house and got a random pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I grabbed the lighter from the bathroom and lit the candles I had around my house. The lights were off, only the glow from the candles showing in the dark night. I went over to my couch and sat down, my hands playing with my favorite lighter. The flame was swaying as the fan blew air. Beautiful. I don't really know when my love for fire happened or why but all I know is that it stood for so many things. It stood for forbiden passions, libido, pain, death, and even a force of purification. It could also be used for revenge. The thought made a small smile appear on my face. I turned on the flame a few times more before heading to my room and falling asleep.

Hello! First chapter yessss. This chapter shows a lot about how louis lives and acts. This chapter is short and kind of boring but dont worry it gets interesting. The guy at the seven-eleven was harry if you didnt catch on. Sorry for any mistakes i will edit these things when im done with the book.

The Arsonist || L.S.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang