•*Fun Night*•

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{Your P.O.V}
'(Insert FNAF S.L elevator music)'
"Shut up!Thats so fucking annoying...."I hissed to the music.As if it was a person.I swished my tail impatiently,& angrily.I was currently on my way down to C.B.E.R.(Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental).The animatronics said that they had a plan for tonight.I don't know what that means.....Maybe like a....party?

{Elizabeth's P.O.V}
'Tonight's gonna be so much fun!' I skipped through the underground organization,in my human form.Tonight was going to be fun.The animatronics and I have been planning this night for a while.We wanted to give Mike and (Y/n),aka the future couple,a relaxing and fun night for being such good night-guards.I hope they get here soon!

{Your P.O.V}
A loud ring signaled me to get off the elevator.I sighed,"Finally."I huffed to the air,as if it was real and it could hear me.I walked into the "Office",is what they call the tiny crawl space between the 2 front showrooms."ELIZABETH!?CIRCUS BABY!?WHERE ARE YOU?!"I yelled into the abandoned,underground,establishment."Here!"I heard a giggle,it was Eli!She was hanging upside down on 1 of the pipes.Her pink bow falling a loose,due to the gravity pulling at it."Hey Eli."I wave."Hey (Y/n)!I'm glad your made it!"She cheered,falling off the pipe onto the floor."What are we going to do today?"I ask,kneeling down to the little girls level."It's a surprise!"She giggled,flashing a bright,closed eyed,smile."Fine..."I sigh,& roll my eyes playfully."Follow me."(Anyone get that song reference?Anyone?)Eli instructed,getting up and dusting off her denim skirt.That still had a little blood on it from the day she died.It feels like forever ago now.I was with them the day it happened....

{FlashBack}•{Your P.O.V}
"Catch me if you can!"I teased Micheal,wagging my tail,taunting him.We were playing tag in the new Fazbear location.Circus Baby's Pizza World.Trying to get our minds off 'The Bite'.Chris was in the hospital right now,hanging onto life.I hope he lives,he's a nice kid."Imma get you!"Micheal retorted,breaking my train of thought.I stuck my tongue out at him,wagging my tail again.I was a few feet away from him,when I tripped.'FRICK!' I thought,falling face first on the floor."Ha!"Micheal laughed,catching up to me.I groaned in annoyance."Hehe,here let me help you."Micheal offered me a hand."Thanks."I grumbled,a bit angry because I lost.He smiled his signature bright smile.I blushed,'Why is he so cute!'I thought."Come one lets check on Lizzy."He motioned me to follow him.I nodded,and followed him,to the showroom."REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAEEE!"We heard a high pitched scream,that sounded like an animatronic.It came from the showroom."LIZZY!"Me and Micheal screamed at once.We ran to the showroom,when we arrived we went pale.Circus Baby was there,blood all around,but no sign of Lizzy.My eyes became watery.Lizzy died.First Chris,then Lizzy."L-l-Lizzy..."Micheal stuttered.I could tell he was holding back tears.I feel to my knee,Lizzy died."G-get y-your d-dad M-Micheal."I hiccuped,between every word,tears streaming down my face.Micheal nodded,struggling to hold back tears,he bolted for his dad.In a matter of seconds he came back with his dad.Fear in Micheals eyes,& tears slowly rolling down his fathers.At this point I was curled up into a ball on the floor,crying my eyes out.Muttering the words,"It's my fault,It's my fault,It's my fault,It's my fault.If I had been here earlier she would have been alive....."Mr.Afton quickly rushed inside the showroom looking for any signs of Lizzy.I guess Micheal noticed me crying,and couldn't hold his tears back anymore.The tears slowly started to escape his eyes,as he knelt down next to me."It's ok (N/N),It's all my fault not yours."He tried to explain to me it was his fault,I wouldn't give in.Instead,I grabbed on to his shirt and cried into his chest.He stood there shocked,then wrapped his arms around me,letting his all of his tears escape.I stroked my hair,trying to comfort me,it worked,a little.Soon,Mr.Afton came back,a tear stained face.He shook his head.I gasped,then hiccuped.'Lizzy died!Nooooo...'I thought,crying into Micheal's shirt.Lizzy died.....
{End of FlashBack}
"(Y/n),earth to (Y/n)!"Lizzy waved her hand in my face,sending me back to reality."O-oh sorry."I laughed awkwardly,scratching the back of my neck."Anyway,we're here!"Lizzy squealed,throwing her arms in the air."Woah."I gasped in amazement.Before stood a room I've never seen.It had gray walls,pretty normal,colorful pillows thrown all over,practically covering the floor.It was pretty comfy.In 1 corner there was cokes,sprites,and *gasp* (favorite drink)!It also had tostadas,nacho cheese,(favorite chips),and ruffles.In another corner there was blankets,pizza,obviously,and a punch bowl.And finally,in the back of the room there was a big screen T.V,video games,and controllers."It's incredible..."I looked in awe at everything."I'm so happy you like it!We'll have to wait a little for the others to arrive though."She informed me."Thats ok."I smiled,and flopped down on the pillows.Tonight was going to be fun....
Hey Guys!I hope you liked the first chapter.Sorry it took so long,I'll try and update faster.But in the meantime,I have a few other stories you can read.Anyway,thanks for reading!Bye!


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