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Corpse after corpse, bloody and beaten, each void of life. The image of all her victims flashing in front of her eyes, the once bright blue orbs no longer held their childlike excitement but instead harbour ghosts. Reflective glass shards lay in a heap at her feet and as she glanced at them she was bombarded with an army of emotions that managed to break past her usual barrier. Guilt. Disgust. Horror. Pride. But most of all confusion; how did she let these people manipulate her? Why did she let them turn her into a killer?

Once golden, her blonde hair was riddled with dirt and leaves the naturally wavy locks a matted tangle. Her fair skin was covered in a thick layer of grime and mud and dust, having not been washed properly in years. Dried blood splatted on her skin like artwork, her hands tinted pale red. Two small sections on either side of her face were dyed a horrendous hot pink colour that somehow hadn't faded, and her clothes were torn and ruined. Despite her childlike stature and appearance that was of a thirteen-year-old, the girl was older, by many years. Yet still, no matter her age she was overworked.

Cracking her knuckles Edie took cautious steps along the rocky mountain path, coming to a stop in front of the camera that would perform the routine facial recognition test, mandatory protocol for the headquarters to be revealed, and waited with a face void of any emotion she had felt just moments before. As the hidden mountain-set building was revealed she rushed straight through the halls to her living quarters quickly peeling the bloody garments she wore from her body. Streams of hot water came pouring from the steel shower head, the blonde eagerly pulling herself under and revelling in the feeling of the water on her outer body. Staring down Edie's eyes followed the trails grime as they washed down the drainpipe. Slumping forward slightly allowing the heated skin of her forehead to press against the cool metal tap. Her hands lathered her body in a honey scented soap massaging a similar scented shampoo into her scalp. Quickly she shaved before stepping out onto the icy ground.

Trails of watery footsteps followed her figure into the bedroom where it was allowed to drop to a sitting position on the linoleum, sitting in a silence lasting several minutes. Eventually, Edie rose selecting black pants, a grey tee with fresh underwear and a black jacket for outerwear. Pulling on the ensemble and combing her fingers through her dripping locks the blonde chose some boots and headed out of the door beelining for the cells.

The cells. The lowest, darkest, dampest floor in the facility with cages made from mountain ash and silver. Filled with several of the most dangerous and important figure in all of the time continuum. As the footsteps echoed in the stone walled chamber a dozen pairs of eyes became trained on the child, some in anger, some in fear. But she ignored them. The gaze was on the man shackled to the wall on the far side of the chamber his pupils growing in awe and appreciation as he spied the girl he once loved coming towards him. His once well-kept mahogany hair was messy and greasy, his moustache and beard long and un-kempt.

"Dee, it's really you." The man breathed out, voice cracking as his eyes grew glossy.

"Adie. I know you know where he is. Please?" Edie spoke softly, her vulnerability showing.

"2019. Some parasol academy. Listen love you got to let me go! There's a, a revolution that's waiting for me!" the man exclaimed, all sorrow gone now replaced with an unruly, obsessive demeanour.

Staggering back several paces the girl's steely eyes widened in shock, never had he shown his (historically) correct attitude during conversation with her in all their many years spent together in Germany. As a maniacal laugh ripped from the elder man's throat Edie spun on her heel and pulled all the energy she could from the in-between timeline. Pushing herself forward she was engulfed by an electric blue mass made up of thousands of barely visible tendrils, the mass began to shrink before disappearing with the girl in its clutches, growing again once it was restored to its own home space.

Another woman stood waiting with bleach blonde curls cut into a bob and a scowl upon her pale painted face. Red pouty lips were pursed, and her salmon skirt was hitched up over her knees as she stared at the young girl. By her side was an old man, hair grey, face wrinkled and clothes tattered.

"Ah dear, dear Edelyn! Just in time!" her voice was shrill and sarcastic.

"Handler. Oldie," Edie sneered at the strange old man.

"Now, now. Agent Edelyn, this is Mr Five, your new partner!" the woman spoke now in a cheerful voice.

Edie nodded, her blonde curls bouncing before doing a double taking and crying out in anger, "My what? I don't need a partner! I'm a lone wolf. I don't do partners!"

Glaring at the ground, the handler told Edie to grow up before gripping a black briefcase and disappearing. So, rocking on the balls of her feet, the child turned to the man with a look in her eye that could cut through diamond. Grinding her pearly white teeth together she spoke in a voice that was practically dripping with honey given how sweet it was.

"Look, you listen here old man. I am big, you are little. You're weak, I'm strong. I may not look it but I've been in this timeline my whole life, making me sixty eight. So buddy here are some ground rules: one, listen to me at all times, two, don't question anything I do, three, we are not friends and never will be." By the end, her voice had become dark and menacing, enough to scare even the man who thought he'd seen it all. Nodding hurriedly, he gulped and stared at her waiting for instruction.

A smooth criminal she was named, so a smooth criminal in reputation she would remain. She was irritated. So, Edie did what Edie does best, smile and fake, for she had many more lives yet to take.

Prologue out, Edie is such a precious badass lil' bean; but can you guess who Adie is?

© CASPIIANS ,   2020

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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