Finding hope

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"Wake up shit head", my sister said to me as she pored hot water on my head making me scream in pain as the hot water engulfed my bed sheets and my clothes in steaming particles.

"What the hell Yeri", I said as I abruptly got out of bed and starting striping of my clothes because of how overheated I was becoming.

"Sorry I just wanted you to wake up. I've been standing here yelling at you for twenty minutes",
That must have been why u was dreaming about a screeching panda.

Then I remembered that I had a meeting with JYP at five thirty so I immediately walked pass Yeri and walked toward my closet to start getting ready.

After a two hour stretching, a workout, breakfast, more breakfast, and finishing up my morning routine I got dressed and went out of the house to head over to the JYP building.

Recently JYP had informed me that he would be needing my services again

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Recently JYP had informed me that he would be needing my services again. You'd see I was his personal body guard about three years ago.

After his husbands assassination he needed a body guard who was well equipped and well I am more than that.

I've spent ten years in the military of (your country) I have a black belt in taekqondo, jiujitsu, letwei, karate, and specialty in wrestling and boxing and I'm only 24.


"Hello my name is Lee Y/n could I please be escorted to JYPs office for my 2:30 appointment." I said impatiently because the trip where took over an hour.

"Oh yes sire follow me." The lady at the front desk said as I followed her into the elevator then up to the tenth floor then across a long hallway until we reached a door.

I knocked on the door politely until I heard a woman's voice say " Wait you didn't say that anybody else was coming." "Just wait Jeongyeon I'll explain later."

"Come in!" JYP said lightly as I opened the door to see a beautiful girl sitting in front of JYP and my friend Park Jiyoung(that's JYP name) just awaiting my appearance.

"Hello sir, you asked for me." I said as I impatiently stood.

"Yes I did Y/n, but first introductions. Lee Y/n meet Yoo Jeongyeon."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said timidly as she reached her hand out to properly greet me.


When Y/n walked in I became nervous JYP said that I was supposed to be meeting with my purge guard but today but this person standing in from of me is way to pretty to be a body guard.

When I touched their hand it was warm and soft, but also cold to the touch, I had to wait a few second for their hands to warm up.

"Sir what can I do for you." Y/n said lightly.

"I need you to be my body guard." I said firmly.


"Yes Y/n Jeongyeon is a well known target for purge night and she probably won't survive with ought you."

I waited.

I wasn't surprised with these new laws coming out it's completely fair to want to have a guard for someone in the public eye.

"How much." I said as I waited for JYP to spit out a number.

"Ten Million." He said as he waited for me to respond.

"Try twenty, then we can talk."

"Ok fine twenty." Jeongyeon said as she desperately looked at me.

"Can you do thirty." I said curious how she would respond.

"Fifty." She said "will that shut you up." I was satisfied with that number more than enough.

"Ok I oblige, I'll be your body guard for the next purge this year."

"Not just you." JYP said "I need all of them, I need a body guard for everyone."

He needed my team.

My team consisted of people from around the world that could break just about anybody in half with their pinky toe.

"Then if you need the team it will be at least 100."

"Ok but if anything happens out of contract you pay us back." JYP said. I knew he was going to say that.

But I understood what he was referring to.

It's a long story that happens to be connected to twice but it's all in the past and didn't matter anymore.

"Deal." I said

"Great now that that's settled. While I draw up a contract you and Jeongyeon should get to know each other."

Ohh god this can't be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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