3 - Question And Answers

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Y/ns POV

After that, I ended up staying at Sadies house watching dreams for a long time and before we knew it it was 1 am then I hear dream say
"I should check up on Y/n because I probably woke her up" Heck how could get home so quickly, he'll be worried sick about me."

Dreams POV

I get up from my chair and I walked over to Y/ns room I open the door to find an opened window and no Y/n
"Y/n?" I go over to her bathroom and knock on the door no answer I knock again but louder
"Y/n!?" I start to panic
"Y/N ARE YOU THERE!?" I unlock the door but Y/n wasn't there
"she not here..." I go downstairs and check the kitchen and lounge room but no sign of her I go back upstairs and check every room she's nowhere to be found I check my room because maybe she wanted to scare me I check every she wasn't there I start to hyperventilate "Dream?, Dream!?" I couldn't hear bad yelling I was too worried she wouldn't have snuck out she never sneaks out

Y/ns POV

I said goodbye to Sadie and started to run home then I bumped into someone falling down
"Are you ok?" I heard the person say I couldn't see them that well then they put out their hand to help me up
"I'm ok" I say grabbing their hand then I saw who it was it was Georgenotfound dream friend
"Wait, wait, wait. Y/n!?" He said realizing that it was me
"Oh, hi Gogy..."
"Y/n, what are you doing out here this late by yourself?" George said looking kind of scared and confused at the exact same time
"I snuck out of the house" I replied so quickly I didn't even understand what I truly said but somehow George knew what I said.
"You did!? Dream must be worried sick!!!"
Then he grabbed me by the arm and took me to my house, he knew where it is because he's came over before to visit dream


mercy_mooons authors note:
Hey Mercy here, hope you have a day
- Mercy out ✌🏻

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