When we were kids....

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((This whole story will be in Yamaguchis POV!))

I remember when we first met. I was a shy kid. I was playing at the play ground. Alone, of course.

I remember when the bullies would make fun of me for how I looked.

But then I met tsuki...

"Awww is a baby gonna cryyy?"


"Ahahaha look he is crying!"

I just sat there and cried. Then there was this tall, blond boy with glasses walking by. He just stood there and watched us.

"That's so lame" He said. He was smirking, then he started to walk off.

That's when I first met tsuki. I wasn't sure if he was calling me lame too, but I didn't care. He saved me from those kids. The next day I saw him at school. I followed him around. We didn't talk much, but when he did say something he said,

"Why are you following me around like a dog dumbass."

He said those exact words to me. It was the first words he ever said to me face to face.

"B-because you saved me yesterday from those kids...."

"I'm T-Tadashi Yamaguchi.."

Tsuki starred at me. His eyes were piercing into my soul.

"I'm Kei Tsukishima, and you can stay around I guess...."

I smiled at him.


I was with tsuki ever since. I never had any other friends, mostly because no one really liked me.
He was so nice to me. All the time, we would hang out.
Things started to change when he went to see his brother at his volleyball tournament..

"I'm so excited to see my brother out there on the court!!"

"M-me too..."

We walked into the gym, we saw so many people. We sat in our seats, waiting for the game to start.

"Yamaguchi! Look look they are coming out!"

I turned to see his brothers team walking into the court.
But we didn't see his brother...

"Where is he?..." I asked.

" M-maybe he is just warming up on the bench! We wouldn't be able to see him because we are behind it!"

That was the case, or we thought...

In the middle in the game I looked at tsuki, he looked like he was about to cry.

"T-tsuki? What's wrong?.."

He pointed to the other side of the court. His brother was in a seat cheering. He looked like he just saw a ghost.

I hugged tsukishima...

"Cmon Yamaguchi, lets get out of this dump..."

He said that like it was nothing, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out.
After that he wasn't the same..

"Hey tsuki wanna go to my house after school?"


"But we have to stud-"

"I said no. Are you death? Or maybe your just stupid."

"... Sorry tsuki....."

He always called me names. Not nice or cool ones though, he called me idiot, dumbass and other things.

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