Part 3

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This chapter might have a little sexual topics!

"Yeah... Let's start."

I get up and head over to his desk.

"Why are you getting up?"

"?? For the projec-"

He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the bed.

"Let's do it in bed. I don't want to sit up."

I started blushing again. What is up with me today?! It's just tsuki. No one else, then why am I acting up?!?
My face is like a tomato...

"Where do you want to start Yamaguchi?"

"U-uhm.... Maybe the food they have??.."

I look over to tsuki, to see him starring at me.

"Why are you blushing so much today?"

I started to blush even more, proving his point.

"I already said I'm not blushing!"

I hid my face in his pillow.

"Yes you are I saw you. What's up with you?"

He got closer to me and hugged me. Why is he doing this? He is just making me blush even more.
He lifted my face up from the pillow to see me blushing.

Then he started laughing.

"Yamaguchi!! Your as read as a tomato!!"

I pushed my head back into the pillow, a few seconds later Tsuki said,

"Are you blushing because of me??"

My ears started to turn red. How could he know?
I felt his eyes starring at me.

"So you are huh? Well that's new."

He pat my head then kissed my cheek lightly.
What is up with tsuki, this isn't like him at all..

"Hey, are you just going to lay there with your head shoved in the pillow?"

I stayed quiet. He rolled me over so I was laying in my back.

He started to stare at me, no saying anything.
Then he kissed me. But this time on the mouth.

"T-tsuki!! What the heck!!"

"So you aren't blushing because of me?" He started to make this weird face.

".. I never said that.. Just what is up with you today Tsuki? Your normally really mean.."

"So you think I'm mean?.."

"N-no that's not what I meant.."

"Then what did you mean?"

"...L-lets just get back to the project T-tsuki."

"If you say so Yamaguchi."

After that we worked on the project for the rest of the day. I fell asleep on Tsuki's bed at one point. I heard him talking to someone on the phone "Yeah he is staying over to night, is that okay with you? Okay thank you Mrs.Yamaguchi."

I guess he was talking to my mom. I mean I am half asleep. That's when I felt him get in the bed and lay down behind me. I didn't mind though, I felt him out his hand in my head, then we both fell asleep.

Sorry that this chapter was shorter then most! Next chapter coming tomorrow!

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