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Skip was a dog. He wasn't just any dog, he was special. Skip was a poodle and Boston terrier mix. He was very special to me and my family. Unfortunately, he... he died in a car accident. Someone hit him...
It's hard for me to talk about it, but I will. Here is what happened. I don't know a lot of details because I was not there when it happened, but I've heard from some of my family members who witnessed it. So, a car was driving by, and Skip was in the front yard, we have a fence in the backyard, and we always let our dogs out there, but sometimes they escape through the front door.
Someone must have accidentally let him out the front door. So, of course he went out and ran towards the road... someone was driving by, and they... they hit him. Those people must have not been paying attention... So, they hit him and I'm just going to tell you now, that... those people are the cause of sadness, pain, and grief to me and my family.
I miss Skip so much, I wish I could go back in time. But, of course, life's not fair, so I can't do anything about it... Me and Skip had very special times together. We could dance together, he could open the back door and sit outside with me, and he loved everyone. Even strangers. But now, sometimes I sit in my room, grieving, wishing he would come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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