A day in the greenery.

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7 a.m. strikes the alarm clock. October 16th, 2018

Lynny POV

I-, It's morning, I woke up and rubbed my eyes and hit my alarm. " Isn't today the investigation? I might be slightly late, but Horret told me it would be fun and spooky, like my family history. " I said, while searching my closet. ( Smiles Family reference )

Horret POV

What's taking her so long..

" Oh, you're here, already though? " Lyn said kind of confused. 

" Stop messin' around. I'm so excited for this place! " Latest said.

" It said that the place, has many crows. But neither of the destination photos have crows on the porch or anything. " Ashley said while reading her ridiculous floating book.

" Can we just go? " Sana ( my character ) said while sighing.

3rd person POV 

They all went in the car, chatting.

" Haven't you read that book a million times, Ash? " I said ( Sana ) 

" So? I'm not getting bored about it. Reeling in the final finale. " She said back.

" Lyn, do you even have a flashlight? " Horret asked.

" All of us, don't. "  I said.

" Hey! Don't forget about me! "  Arabella said while peeping out the chairs behind the car. 

" Also me! " Jake said,

1 hour later of being chatterboxes. 

The car stopped and smoke went out the area. The group saw others in the house.

" Soo, this is the place? Looks peaceful. " Arabella said.

" I read online that this house was built over a temple named Shade light. " Jake said while pulling out his phone making sure.

" There's no internet here. Guess we have to stick with it.. " Jake said.

" Also, I read that the backstory of this house was owned by a zombified man named Chuck Lloyd. He would often talk to his deceased wife, Sandra. According to popular rumors, Chuck has murdered Sandra and forgot about it, and the house was built over a temple named ' Shadelight ' that consists a maze. Chuck Lloyd relives the same day he has died over and over again. Correspondingly, there is a whole group of people behind this and their names were: Goldity, Terroah, Father Grimm, and Chuck. " I then said while reading a copy and pasted note article via notes while sitting on the white couch, facing a TV saying a program will resume in February 29.

to be continued
this program will resume in march 1, 2022.

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