Christy Lawrence

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Christy after a night out with some friends decided to go back to her apartment   
The weather felt chilly on her skin and the dark and ominous street was gravelly silent as her sloshing footsteps plodded down the street.

She cursed Tony for the hundredth time for making her walk home.

Walking on, someone bumped into her from behind, she was startled by the strong but frail figure that walked on without sparing her another glance.

How rude!

Her eyes moved from the zooming out figure to the phone on the ground. She picked it up, attempted notifying the figure of the phone but she changed her mind on it.

She returned to her apartment with the phone safely tugged in her hip pocket.

Christy laid on her bed, scrutinizing the surprisingly costly phone in her hand. The screen was blank and so was her mind.

After careful considerations, she carefully dropped the phone on her nightstand with a smug smile. She undressed, stepping into the bathroom.

By midnight, Christy was awoken by the faint barkings of her puppy accompanied by the sound of some footsteps in her apartment. She laid motionless as she listened to the alarming steps. She heard her front door creak open,  quickly, she got out of her bed, her hand found her bedside lamp.

Quietly, she crept to her living room, her puppy wagged its tail at her, she noticed the doors all shut and the living room in place. She exhaled, locking the bedroom door, she went back to bed.

Turning down the lamp, her eyes flickered close but snapped open at the sound of the television.

The television? Can't be!

She sauntered back again into the living room, her wide eyes were fixed on the television screen on black and white static.

Trembling, she dragged herself to the big screen, turning it off.

Heading back towards the room it goes on again. She turned back again, this time pulling the switch from the socket.

Christy jumped in fright, dropping the lamp at the sound of the phone ringing. She picked the now broken lamp, going back to the room.

She found the phone on the nightstand, With shaky fingers and raspy breath, she answered the call.

"Hello?" Her voice came out low and somewhat faltering.

No reply came from the other end, making her panic rise.

"Who's this? Hello?"

Still, no reply came. She took the phone off her ear, switching it off. She climbed back on her bed and went back to sleep. But is interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing again. She sighed, irritation on her face, she pulled aside the coverings.

Her pulse quickened when she saw the phone she'd turned off a while ago ringing, sweat broke from her face and neck.

"How do you do this? Who are you? Hello?"

At the other end she heard a high-pitched scream, then the panting of breath and then a muffled shriek. She took the phone from her ear, looking at the screen, it's black and white static, with quivering lips, she hurled it against the wall. The lamp on her nightstand flickered threatening to go off, then the phone rang again. She picked it up with trembling fingers, disassembling its members, throwing the battery to the corner of the room.

"Calm down, it's your mind, it's your fucking mind Christy, that's not real, it possibly can't be real!" Christy tried to steady her breathing when the dissembled phone rang again.

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