The Battle

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The day has finally come. The day they were all dreading, but waiting for. The soldiers have trained day and night; offered their blood, sweat and tears; broke an arm or two, to prepare for the moment they will face the northern invaders.

Mulan was pensive and kept to herself. Truth to be told, she was scared. It felt like a stone was lodged in her throat and she felt so queasy, she was afraid she would throw up any minute. Her hands shook against her horse's rein. She took a deep breath and looked at Yao, Ling, Chien Po and Honghui. They were certainly afraid too and were manifesting it in their own ways. Yao couldn't stop making jokes about beating up any Rouran that comes his way. Chien Po was nervous-eating. Ling whistled lively tunes. And Honghui had this ridiculous smile on his face. She asked him why he was smiling and he just shrugged and walked away.

There was a halt, followed by a deafening silence. All attention was on Commander Tung. He instructs everyone to focus. To stand and sit straight. And to remember everything the soldiers learned in training. He also reminds the soldiers to man up. That they were ready. That they will fight and give whatever it takes. That His Majesty is counting on them to save the country, their villages, and their families.

The Rourans start appearing. Atop their horses and wielding their blades. As they get closer, arrows are fired from both sides.
Mulan takes another deep breath. "It's okay. Be afraid. But fight anyway." she tells herself, and lunges forward to attack.

The Imperial Army and the Rourans clash. The latter's leader runs off in a direction away from the fight. Mulan, and 10 others, are instructed to follow suit and hunt Bori Khan. It proved difficult. Together with Khan are two adept and skilled archers, killing Mulan's comrades one after the other. Soon enough, Mulan loses her trail. She ends up in a frozen sulfur spring when a falcon suddenly attacks her.


The falcon transforms into a person. Mulan has never seen anyone do such a thing before. She has, however, heard stories and legends of demons, fairies and witches who had the ability to turn into an animal.

Mulan was terrified. "You.. You're a witch", are the only words she can mutter. It was rude to assume a person is evil. But the woman standing before her had long black talons as fingers that can tear anyone to pieces. She had a predatory stare that sent shivers down Mulan's back.

"Am I?" replies Xian Lang, her tone provoking as she comes closer to Mulan. "And who are you?" the witch inquires.

Mulan straightens her stance, "I am Hua Jun, soldier in the Emperor's Imperial Army".

Xian Lang keeps walking towards Mulan, with no intention of keeping a safe distance.

"Is that really your true name, soldier?" the witch asks, an eagerness hidden under a cold tone.

This confuses Mulan. "I don't know what you are talking about. Don't come any closer please or I have no choice but to fight you" Mulan replies, feeling threatened. Xian Lang only smirks.

Mulan, cornered, draws out her sword and lunges toward Xian Lang. The witch easily dodges the attack. She grabs Mulan's arm and folds it against the back of her neck. Mulan was now facing the witch, her breath racing.

Xian Lang gently tucks strands of loose hair covering Mulan's face and swiftly studies her features. Her smooth skin, long lashes, pert nose and full lips. And her long supple neck.. all very feminine. How the other soldiers didn't notice was beyond Xian Lang.

"Liar" she whispers in Mulan's ear, which sends another shiver down the female soldier's spine.

Mulan manages to free herself. She stands back and goes for another attack. This time, she was able to cut Xian Lang but only a scratch.

"What do you want? Are you one of Bori Khan's allies?" Mulan demands, maintaining a safe distance from the witch.

"I am not Bori Khan's. My name is Xian Lang and I am my own army. And he needs me for his victory." the witch replies matter-of-factly.
"I know what you are. Do they?" Xian Lang presses, a shift in her tone. It's as if she genuinely cared. "When they find out who you are, they will show you no mercy".

It dawns on Mulan what the witch was referring to. But she was not willing to discuss her biggest secret to a stranger, more so an enemy.

Mulan launches another attack, but the witch easily dodges it again. She throws a star dagger which knocks off the sword from Mulan's grip.

She runs after her sword but slips as she is thrown off balance by the smooth ice. She crawls forward as Xian Lang advances closer. "I ask again.. who are you?" demands the witch, rather impatiently now.

Mulan retrieves her sword and prepares to fight again. "Why does it matter to you? Why do you want to know?" Mulan shouts, her voice shaking. She was mustering all her courage to face the witch. Xian Lang was beyond powerful but she will fight to death if she had to.

There was a pause. Xian Lang appears thoughtful, looking at Mulan and seeing right through her. Her expression changes.

"Because I don't want you to die pretending to be something you are not". Xian Lang replies and quickly throws a dagger at Mulan. The bolster and non-pointed part of the dagger deliberately hits mulan's chest. The attack was not fatal but enough to knock out Mulan against a boulder.

Xian Lang carefully approaches her opponent and checks her pulse. It was strong and steady.

"I will come back for you." Xian Lang whispers and flies away.


I changed a lot of things. Pls dont hate me


Mulan: The Tale of Xian LangDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora