Mulan Chapter I: Childhood

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Well it all started when Mulan was 9 years old: practicing "marcial arts" with her Father.
Will you ask to your daughter that Chi is only for a son? And said to the daughter, that her right place is to bring honour to the family by marriage? Well fellow readers, Mulan was different from other girls: different from her mother, and sister.

It starts with this:
Chicken: "Bakbakbakbakbak... Bakad!!!!"

Mulan:*pant* almost.. *pant* there! *Pant*

Father: Mulan hurry! Get the last chicken! You know what, FORGET IT! Mulan come back here! The chicken will go back to it's chicken coop by itself!

Narrator: And then the chicken went to the rooftop of the village! The rooftop was 50 feet high!! But Mulan follow the chicken to the ruff unstable rooftop. Once she got there she caught the chicken, and then accidently fall from the rooftop!!!!!

Everyone shock and scared/ Milan's sister is closing her eyes/ father and mother is super scared but then.....

She SURVIVE but how!!! Because of her skills, she was able to climb to the rooftops of the neighbors and go and jump down (perfect landing)

Narrator: Milan's father was happy of her skills. but when he looked at everyone expecting to cheer for Mulan, they turn her away and reject Mulan for sound that.
When Milan's father saw this he did the same.

*At the hua home (where mulan live)*
At the Hua house mulan and her sister was in their room. Mulan was coming her sisters hair:

Sister: Mulan the moment you were there chasing a chicken, you were amazing! I wish I was brave like you....

Mulan: sh.... Be quite there's a spider in your hair.

Sister: Mulan I hope this isn't one of those tricks you scared me with know I'm scared of spiders.

Mulan: sh.... If you stay still I will smush the spider away from your hair-

Then in a sudden they heard noise from downstairs in the kitchen, It was mulan mom and dad.

Mother: it's time my love to tell Mulan that she should stop acting like- BOYS.

Father: but M-

Mother: she gives nothing but trouble. Remember, Mulan is a daughter not a son. A daughter bring honour through marriage!

Father: okay I will tell her.

After mulan heard the conversation she went where the mighty phoenix.

Father: *sigh* do you know why the phoenix sit in the right hand of emperor? She... Is his guardian, his protecter. She is both beautiful and strong, your job is to bring hour to the family.....
Do you think you can do that?

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