8: Dramatic Sigh

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Tony POV: 

This is a lot harder that I thought. Victoria can't read lips, so it makes it that much harder to talk to her. I want to make a conversation, but I'm not fluent in sign language. I can't understand her, and she can't hear me. Charades doesn't work anymore either. I'm just going to have to figure something else out. Texting seems to be about all that works easily. 

It had been three days since she flew out. She can't stay forever, but at least for another week or so. Every day I either go to her aunt's house or they both come to mine. We still need a teacher after all. 

Today they were coming over again. To be honest, I really want to take her out again. It would be nice if maybe we could be alone together, but alas, it doesn't work out when we'd basically spend the whole thing in silence. I heard a knock at my door and shot up immediately. I went to it and forced myself to relax. Don't want to look too eagar. Upon seeing me, Victoria smiled. But she was all by herself. I looked around and gave her a confused expression before letting her in. I thought that she can't drive herself without having a relapse. I stepped aside and let her in, waiting patiently for my answers. 

'She was busy, ' Victoria signed. 

'Driving? ' I replied. 

'I did. So scary. ' 

I didn't know  how to say that I was proud of her, so I tried to mouth the word slowly. When she still stared at me with a confused expression on her face, I just spelled it out for her. She nodded. I tried to think of where we could go or what we could do that wouldn't require any kind of communication. 

Victoria took my moment of thought that flop dramatically onto my couch. I saw it happen before it did. It she fell so hard that it flipped backwards and she fell back and hit her head against the floor. She sat up rubbing the back of her head, getting off of it. I just stood there, too stunned to know what to do. I mean. She just flipped and entire couch backwards and stood up like it was nothing. I couldn't even carry that into here by myself. I heard her sigh. She shook her head as she went to pick the couch back up. It was then that I registered that she wouldn't be able to lift it by herself. I went over to the opposite side and helped her flip it back. It landed with a grand thud on the ground. I looked at her. 'Okay? ' 

She shook her head and rubbed the back of it once more. I ran to the kitchen to get her ice. God knows what more trama would do to her head. She already lost her voice and hearing. I filled a small bag that I found in one of the drawers with a few ice cubes from the freezer and brought it back to her, sitting her down on my yellow couch. Yellow. Such a terrible color choice. Can't remember why I even picked it in the first place. I handed the back to her and she held it against the back of her head, leaning back. 

She made a spinning gesture with her finger. I shook my head at her, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. She pointed to her head and made the gesture again. "You're dizzy? " I asked, forgetting that she couldn't read lips for a moment. Fortunately, she understood anyway. She nodded. 

I hope that it's nothing serious. 

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