To be more than....

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M y   U l t i m a t e    M i s s i o n


                      From small, it made no sense to be. "To be" more, "more than" or to "simply be" and since the world had too much to grasp with such little hands, I found it impossible. That was what I always thought. I was going to blend into the background and live my day to day life in peace-she ruined it. My quiet, well planned out life, erupted into chaos as emotions upon emotions poured out havoc. My life was never the same.

On the day I met her, it was also the first I had cursed as I stomped my feet in frustration at the comparisons hurled towards us. Her name was Anxiety the prick in my spine and her snobby little friends, Self-doubt and Self-Pity weren't any better. Of course, with any comparison I got the shorter end as two or three compliments were aimed at her. It made me feel less than, instead of feeling like me, because my insecurities scrutinized my self-worth. Killing me slowly.

They resumed to berate me relentlessly, " Especially with such little ambitions." whispered Self-Doubt with its ugly cackles and Self-Pity sniffled with a gleam in her eye.

I had a vision that day. It was of a me that lived up to my name and brought peace. A peace that was so calm it rattled the heavens. And my first mission was to humble the proud, those who judged a book by its cover and dismissed the fine print. I would teach and not preach. My name would be the reminder that life is not as simple as just picking up a book. It must be assessed, poked, and reviewed several times to get a judgement. Slowly like a book published, investigated thoroughly through many heads and views before its final.

However, before I could move on, I thought, " Would it matter? Was I doing it for my good or the sake of others? After all, who would get you to be more than?"

A silent cry for help resounded as I shook my head.

" Wait." I thought thinking about the bigger picture, "I would be more than instead of to be."

Yes, it encourages the weak, so what? I could be the voice for millions and tell you to get up or move on. I would be the whisper in your ear because I am near. To encourage, to mend and be a heart for many. Yes, I'll be the reminder telling you to soar beyond the silver linings for I know within, there is strength engraved into your bones that will make you prosper.

I'll shout to them that their standards are below our worth and shouldn't define us. It's the reason books have pages upon pages and turned into trilogies and sequels. Our stories were too deep, becoming memories.

I'd figured it all out thanks to Anxiety. My ultimate mission in life was to become what everyone was too afraid to be. Thank God that I will!

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