2. The annoying children XD

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Part 2 is here UwU ENJOY!


Hosooks POV:

I Invited our new neighbors to eat dinner with us, So they came inside and I can tell they love the home and she said does that clock have eyes? And I Looked and said I know it was some weird gift from my brother in law, She said ahh okay, and I said have a seat, I said giving them some tea to Yoyo and Yoonjeo and they both said Oh thank you, I Heard Taehyung yell Mamaaa!! I Said Ish what is it now? I Said I'll be right back, I Ran upstairs and I saw Taehyungs hand caught under his bed I immediately lifted up the bed and he got free and Hugged me, I said and how in the world did that happen hm? I Said hugging him as I moved his bangs from his face, and he said I-I tried to get my favorite pencil, and my hand got caught under the bed... I said aww my poor baby, He hugged me and said I love you mommy I said I love you to Taehyung I kissed his forehead and I went back down stairs and I said sorry As soon as I sat down Namsoon yelled MOOOM I had a curious face on cause every time I sit down something happens, I went upstairs and my daughter just Said Hello how are you she had a smiley face on I said what do you need Namie?

She said nothing I just wanted to say hi, I Had a serious face and said Are you kidding me, She couldn't hold back laughter and I said Yeah yeah laugh all you want that was not funny Kim Namsoon!



Well cya later!

House of army FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon