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You wake up to fighting downstairs. You head hurt really bad and you don't know why, it felt like someone hit you in the back of the head. Your heard the fighting get louder then something broke " uhhh sh*t" you get out of bed. And you get changed into a black hoodie with Grey shorts, you slowly open your door and walk down stairs. At the bottom of the stairs there where two souls. One of the souls was Error's and the other was reaper's ( another's notes : I don't know if they actually have souls so if they don't just go with it, please) you could hear them fighting about something. Of to the side there was two more souls one was above the other and the other was right under it. One of the souls was Geno's but who's was the others? ( again I don't know if they have souls so just go with it ) " Your Both beautiful girls stop fighting there's people trying to sleep." You said. " But he got Geno pregnant!" error said " oh so that's was happen in that case error you can kill him " you said ( I know reaper can't die but still) " oh come on!" reaper said. You walk down the rest of the stairs and walk into the living room. Because just like Error you would kill for the people you love ( r.i.p. reaper ) even if it meant you dying.... you walk past dream, blueberry and ink there talking about something? Probably just another ship of there's. Blueberry started up the shipping thing then ink joined and right after ink dream joined. You heard ink say your name But why? They giggled a little. You just shrugged and walked out side.  You all lived in a giant house in the middle of a field that was surrounded by a forest.

You started to walk down the side walk ( thing I don't know anymore) to your job. You work at a small library in the middle of town. The town is quiet and peaceful and a really beautiful place. Or at least that's what you've heard from dream, blueberry and ink. The others don't really come out of the house that much. Nightmare and the other bad sanses spend most of there time in the basement and only come up out of the basement for food and to go the there rooms. You don't really know what the other sanses do and you really don't care as long and they don't explode the place there good. You remember the time when they explode the old house that was ok then ( not really but ok ) because the house was really to small. But now that you all live in the much bigger house. There all banned from anything that can explode. Even though they probably will fine something that can explode.( ok umm person back to walking your gonna bump in to someone) you bump into someone, you quietly say "s-sorry...." someone punches you ( I'm sorry but this is a much Easier way for the ship to start, oh and warning I will the ship have kids. You will learn soon that I love kids and babies)
Who ever punched you started to beat you up and only stopped when they had broke your arm and badly injured you in other places they then throw you somewhere probably a alleyway then they walked away.

*3 hours later*

You where basically unconscious but you could feel someone pick you up ( bride style) and they started to walk somewhere. You could hear two people talking they kinda sound like nightmare and dust but why? You stopped caring and calmed down a little at least you could hope that they wouldn't hurt you. You at least hoped that.

* 39 minutes later *

You where put on something soft and or fluffy maybe a bed? But where? You really don't care right now and just slowly drift off to sleep....

* in y/n's dreams *

You woke up in a grass field and you could see! You could see the grass, the clouds and the sun the sun was really bright.. to bright. You felt a really cold wind and everything started to get dark and gloomy. You shivered you could feel something walk towards you, You started to get a little bit scary but you didn't show it. You where used to hiding your emotions... you had to you worked with kids and you had to live with dream and nightmare... the thing that was walk up to you from behind you is now right behind you.. it touches your shoulder.... you slowly turn your head to see who it is. It's a goopy skeleton ( nootmare ( nightmare)) " hello Y/N..." he said you freeze not able to say anything. "W-who... are you?..." you say. He stops "Nightmare..." nightmare said. You smile a little " hello nightmare..." you say. You smile a little you had always want to see and now you could.... over at least in your dreams you could.

Nightmare POV

She looked so instead and cute. What why did I say that...? It's not like I liked her... right? .... will see tomorrow when she wakes up...

After the dream


I wake up and smile a little. And whispers "maybe some day..." you slowly start to sit up but something pulls you down. You try to find out what pulled you down when you hear a groan. You didn't know who it was.. But you really didn't want to find out.. "Oh.. Your up." ( who remembers who's texted this is~ ) " w-who is that?... D-dust is that you...? " you can feel a boney hand touch your cheek.."yes... It's me..... Are you ok..? You got hit pretty hard... Before.. " ( get over it we all know he's not that nice but just wanted it so get over it and I'm the writer here so f of haters) you have a Paige of pain in the back of your head." o-ow..." the boney hand slowly moves down your neck and down your shirt... You then feel a tentacle wrap around your waist and pulls you away from dust..." Dust what the f*** you pivrated b*tch you can't f*** the little child " you can feel you face heat up" w-what did you say....? Nightmare " you can feels someone's boney arms rap around you" nothing.... " the three of you stayed silent for awhile. Then you ask" where are we..? " you can hear foot steps coming your way." we're in the basement.... "

Cliff hanger and you really just scrolled all the way to see what happens wow determined unlike me someone help me please

Dust in the wind ( Blind reader X nightmare sans x dust sans ) Where stories live. Discover now