Intro + Chapter I, II, III & IV

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Today there is a great polarity, a great division. This is a division that hasn't been seen in many years, perhaps centuries. This division is left versus right. Although it may seem overly simplistic, and, no doubt, many people will disdain such a template for "lack of freedom of choice", this is where we are at today in the United States of America. No longer can I simply sit from the sidelines, watching as our political world—and, by direct implication—our entire society turns against each other, continuing to grow further and further apart. It's time to act. Let me be extremely clear: I do not wish in this book to present a cool, "level-headed" "analysis" of the political left and right. I will take no mercy. Granted, I will present plenty of facts and reasons supporting my convictions. Throughout this book, I will strive to tell my personal story, my journey as a young man wandering through the increasingly confusing political and social landscape. It is said in many places that the most practical route to persuasion and lasting change is through the heart, not the head. And I think that perhaps it is time that more of us begin to tell our political stories (especially those in the so-called "silent majority"). With that being said however (as the title suggests), I full- heartedly do not intend to tout the recent leftist invention of "identity politics", pigeonholing myself as a, say, "German American, bisexual man raised in a single parent household", all of which happens to be true, but ultimately does not hold a candle to my pride of being a United States citizen, above all else. Now, more than ever, is not a time to focus on our differences, our genders, our races and our ethnicities; now is the time to focus on what each one of us can do for one another, completely regardless of what "boxes" we check.

In this book, I will first dive into my recent past, following the ups and downs of my life and worldview. Everything from sexuality to religion will be discussed. First and foremost, in this beginning section, I will talk about the balance between "self-help", meaning and political identity. After this brief journey is complete, we will journey into the "land of the left", taking a hypothetical turn at the great LEFT | RIGHT fork in the road and chronicling the sights and stops along the way. After completing this journey, we will return to the LEFT | RIGHT sign and this time head into the "land of the right", having much fun, while also discussing many key issues along the way. Now, let's begin.


How it All Began

Let me admit something: I voted for Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 election for President of the United States, I cast my vote for the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Now, to some, it may not be clear why this is so important or why this even needs to be an admission at all. I voted for a highly experienced candidate, potentially the world's first female president. Big deal? Perhaps on the surface of things it would be no big deal. Perhaps in a world in which government and politics were great symbols of purity, hope and generosity, this would not be such a big deal. But we will skip out on the hypotheticals here. I want to talk about why I voted for Hillary. Although the particulars of the story are important, I think that, on the surface, my reasons were very similar to those of many others, particularly those of my own generation (born in the late 90s). As cliché as it definitely sounds, I wanted progress. To many young people, this word shines and glimmers of a new, thrilling world, a world completely unlike the one we currently inhabit. "Progress" is one of those words that excites the pathos of humanity; it is a hopeful word. But that's just it. Without a solid background, without a strong, moral government behind it, that's all progress is: a simple word. Interestingly enough, we can base almost the entirety of my story (and even the core contents of this book) on the nature of that very word, progress. And I have a hunch that many of my readers, regardless of their political inclinations, have a special relationship with this word as well.

From Left to Right: Journeying from Identity Politics to Human PoliticsWhere stories live. Discover now