Chapter one

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 Hong Kong sat in his room, holding a notebook open to a very specific page. On that page were two columns, labeled 'Pros' and 'Cons' respectively. He'd listed one thing in the Pros column: Cute as hell. There wasn't anything in the Cons column yet. He put down "Constantly devalues himself" as a con. Okay, now what? Hong Kong sunk into his pile of dirty laundry, confused more than anything. How had he gotten to the point in his life where he was literally making a list of pros and cons of dating Iceland? Like, seriously, how? And why? Hong Kong tried- and failed- to figure out the choices in his life that had led him to this place. Why Iceland, of all people? Nobody else even found him that attractive. He hadn't even talked to Iceland that much. Out of frustration, he crumpled up the page and threw it at the wall. Much better. That way if-

"Hong Kong, you still haven't cleaned your room. I've told you four times in the past two days and you STILL HAVEN'T."

"leave me alone, mom."

"What did I tell you about calling me mom?"

"leave me alone, mom."

"For fucks sake Hong Kong!"

". . .leave me alone, mom."

It continued until China gave up and left. Now Hong Kong could wallow in regret and confusion without interruption. Iceland had no reason to be so adorable. And you have no reason to care. Hong Kong tried to calm down. Too many things had taken over his life, he couldn't let this be one. And plus, he had to clean his room. A good mind-clearer. He took one look at his room- nope. Not touching that thing. They weren't about to have guests anyway, so what's even the point? He walked out of his room, trying not to think. At all, honestly. If only it were that simple.

"Hello, Hong Kong." called a calm, even, all too familiar voice. A voice Hong Kong felt mocked by and never wanted to hear again. M A C A U. Oh, how he hated him. Mr. Perfect and his stupid face were a disease that Hong Kong was suffering from. The obvious favorite, yet it never seemed to get to his head. Or at least that's what other people thought. To Hong Kong, it was as clear as glass. Nobody was really like that, there was always another side to them. And Hong Kong was oh-so desperate to find that side.

"You okay there, Hong Kong?" asked a less insufferable voice, one belonging to his sister, Taiwan. Oh god, he thought, have I been talking this whole time? "You've been awfully quiet.". Either she's being a bitch, or I haven't been talking this whole time. I hope it's the second one. "Yeah, I just have a lot to think about."

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