Chapter Two

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Iceland had nothing to do but to scroll through instagram, again and again, until his finger broke off. Not literally, of course; that would take decades. But when an hour feels like a decade, he'd be excused for thinking his finger would fall off. Suddenly, he came across a photo of. . . someone. . . he nearly did a double-take at first. The boy(?) in the picture looked oddly familiar, like someone who had always been in at least one of his classes but he still didn't know the name of. He looked over the picture again and again, finally noticing the username: @_khong.leon_. Iceland did a double take. Hong Kong? I didn't know you were so. . . so. . . sO ATTR- No. Just no. What the hell? It was just Hong Kong doing some hand motion over his eye with a purple filter. He was barely even smiling. But between thoughts, Iceland felt himself smiling. . . His face was starting to warm up. . . Why? Just because he's. . . no. . . Stop!! Thinking!! About!! How!! Perfect!! He!! Is!! Oh god. . . Iceland decided he would take a nap, as he thought, "People can't think while they're asleep!". Of course he forgot about dreams.

Eyes fluttering open, Iceland was somehow aware he'd been in this place for around an hour. He felt his hand being grabbed by one that felt like his own, but definitely wasn't. What was this place? Did it matter? Turning around, he saw Hong Kong smiling back at him. Iceland lifted his arms and wrapped them around Hong Kong. The favor was returned quickly. He felt fulfilled, warmth flooded his body, was he being kissed? Yeah, he was being kissed. And wow, did it feel amazing. In that moment, he felt like he was floating, like he didn't have any mass to him. But I'm not a bird! That thought woke him up.

Dammit. He got out of bed quickly and checked the- holy shit it's 7am? School starts at 7:30!!! Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit -

"Wow, Icy, you actually slept for almost 8 whole hours there! I didn't know whether to be worried or relieved. . ." Finland's voice rang out from the hallway. "Is there a word that means both at once? Because that's what the rest of us have been feeling for a while." Iceland glared at the violet-eyed man in a precise manner meaning Shut your fuck, and he backed away.

Iceland threw on a tee, not caring whether or not it was dirty, and pulled on a pair of jeans. They must've not been his, because they were way looser than any he'd ever wear in a scenario where he could choose. They looked like Denmark's. He would be the kind of person to purposely buy too-big jeans. They obviously weren't Finland's, he wasn't the type to wear jeans. 7:10. FUCK. Iceland put on a pair of pool slides, not caring that he didn't have socks on, not caring that he couldn't possibly do PE in these shoes, not caring that he would 100% get dress coded for wearing open-toed shoes. Wait, do these belong to anyone in this house??? None of us own slides. . . Iceland got his stuff (and Denmark's car keys) as quickly as he could, ran out of the door, and drove to school in Denmark's car. WAIT A MOMENT FUCK FUCK FUCK DENMARK WILL KILL ME FOR THIS FUCK

He arrived at school, parking in a staff space and not caring that he would get punished for it. He started running to his first period class. 7:29. . . OH GOD OH FUCK OH GOD FUCK NOOOOOOO- He noticed he was running towards Hong Kong, who was just standing there all nonchalant. He must have first period free. He turned, trying not to give off the impression that he liked him - that'd be crazy - but then - T H E L A T E B E L L R A N G. Iceland was so startled that he faceplanted into the ground. If someone had cut Iceland's face open in that moment, it wouldn't take long for him to share more common ground with Finland. And that seemed pretty good right about then. Especially because- wait, Hong Kong is approaching me?????

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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