Into The Mansion

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Hey, I'm David, I'm a 15 year old boy living in New York with My parents. I'm also a YouTube vlogger, I do crazy stuff like explore haunted buildings, caves and sometimes restaurants with bad back stories. I would consider myself a well known person as I had 150 thousand subscribers when this story took place.
So know that you know me it's time to start the story.

I woke up on a pretty nice day, the sun shining through my window, I could smell my mother cooking some breakfast, but not just any breakfast GRILLED CHEESE, as you can tell grill cheese was my favourite and my mom would cook it every Monday which is way I love Mondays. After I ate, I did my morning routine, you know shower, brushing clothing all that fun stuff, and after that I went down stairs hugged my baby sister and went off to school.

I would usually walk to school since it wasn't that far from my house, when I walk I always went to a bus stop to meet my best friend and I guess my manager Amanda. The reason I say manager is because she manages my YouTube channel even though I don't pay her to, she give me video ideas, channel ideas, and even customizes my channel sometimes.

So everyday we would meet at the bus stop which was near to my house and after we would walk to school together. While walking to school Amanda told me she had a cool idea for my next video, and yes Amanda always gives me some weird, dangerous or sometimes stupid video ideas but I figured today she might give me a good one and so she told me the video idea she said that we were gonna spend 4 days camping in an abandoned mansion, now at first I was like that's a great idea and then I said wait why 4 days?

So after hearing her crazy but cool idea we got to school, she told me after school that we were gonna grab all our recording equipment and go to the mansion she found online. We were at school and talk was going around that school will be closed for the rest of the week which was conviently 4 days, I chose not the believe this because I really didn't wanna get my hopes up since we just got a break 2 weeks ago.

Skip a few hours we are walking to my house Amanda usually comes to my house every evening because she helps me with video ideas and also homework. So we get home I run up stairs to grab my equipment which was basically a phone, flashlight and a backpack with all of our camping stuff. And when I come down my mom gets a text saying that school was gonna be closed for 4 days and at that point life just punched me in the gut because I knew that now we would have to go to the mansion for sure since we had nothing to do. Before I could say anything Amanda asked my mom if I could sleep over at her house, my mom knew Amanda's mom so foolishly she said yes and at that point it just seemed pointless of me trying to avoid her idea so I just went for it.

We walk to this bus stop and lone behold we got off at the mansion. We went in and it was dark and the floor had holes and cracks all over it, the roof was absolutely battered, the place looked like It had gone through 3 hurricanes and then 2 tornados and survived this place shouldve been in the history books.

Anyway after we set up our stuff I realize something, we had no Wi-Fi or signal which means no calling 911 or even our parents. Not only were we bored we were also helpless and all we had was each other and Amanda was the tough one which means if we were attacked she wouldn't even be scared but I would be.

We had 3 hours until night came and we were bored out of our minds so we took out our phones and played some games to pass the time we brought an extra phone because we didn't have any chargers with us and we also would use our phones to record.

Now it's night time and you'll never believe what happened.............

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