Diamond × Wood (MC swords)

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To all the people that read this, I'm so so so sorry for your loss of brain cells.

Context: An artist on Instagram drew diamond sword and wooden sword from minecraft as humans- and it was ship art. A few people in comments wanted a fanfic so I suggested it. I don't know if they were joking but uh you know, I still kinda wanna write this

Link to post!!! Go follow and like his posts, he's pretty pog!!

Probably OOC- I've never seen this ship nor know how the human versions act

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Probably OOC- I've never seen this ship nor know how the human versions act. Solely going off of the drawing!!

I have no idea what I'm doing 🤠


Wooden Sword-

I was chilling in the storage area, along with a bunch of other items. I was talking with Stone Sword, since we were free a lot of the time as stone and wood tools had little value with iron and diamond tools arriving.

"Hey, did you hear?" Stone Sword asked me.

"Hear what?" I replied in confusion.

"You know how we found enough diamonds that agreed to a sacrifice to make a tool?" Stone told me excitedly. I nod. "Well, they're going to make a diamond sword! How cool is that??"

I thought for a moment. Iron tools already thought of themselves as way higher up than us beginner tools, I couldnt imagine what diamond would be like.

"I don't think they'd want to talk to us. You know how low we are." I hesitantly say out loud, not really wanting to break my friend's spirits.

That kind of happened anyway...

"Oh yeah... I forgot..." Stone's expression fell.

"Well, we should at least hope that we dont get treated too poorly." I stated. Stone nodded.

"Well I guess even with a new, valuable sword we'll just continue living our boring lives on, right?" Stone looked at me but I didn't answer. "You're not planning on becoming a sacrifice right? You're not thinking about going to Furnace and asking him to serve as a fuel source til the end, right??"

I laughed a bit. "I really don't want to walk in on him and Crafting Table anyway lol. And nah, my life's fine the way it is."

Stone sighed in relief. "Well, see you later Wood!" He waves and runs away towards his other fellow stone tools.

My expression becomes neutral. Stone Sword, Stone Axe, Crafting Table, and Furnace were the only people that I'd actually appear friendly like that to. Furnace and Crafting Table were among the most respected items around- the cooker and the crafter. It was only common sense to treat them with friendliness, especially when one was who crafted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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