Meeting after the incident

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Aphmau's POV
"Aaron I'm going out for a while by myself is that ok?" I asked
Aaron's POV
"yeah that's fine call me if you need help babe" he said
Aphmau's POV
*kisses Aaron and leaves the house walking to Ein's House and texted * "hey ein I'm nearly at your house but if you use potions on me again I won't be so nice got it?" I texted
Ein's POV
*texts back* "yeah yeah yeah got it" he texted
Aphmau's POV
*texts back* "good" I texted and put my phone away and knocked
Ein's POV
*puts my phone away and answers my door* "hello Aphmau." Ein said
Aphmau's POV
"skip the hellos and how are yous why did you want to meet with me Alone is it something to do with our family or do you just want to force me to hurt somebody else!" I snapped
Ein's POV
"first off calm your hostility and second yes it's to do about our family" he said
Aphmau's POV
*massages my forehead and temple of my nose* "then talk" I Said pointing a sword at him
Ein's POV
"look I wanted to say I'm s-s-sorry for forcing you to love me and dispise Aaron I'm sorry for everything I did to you in high school and I'm sorry for everything I put you through back at the lodge and I'm sorry for not being the best half-Brother to you and can you forgive me" he said
Aphmau's POV
"I can forgive you under one condition that you tell me who our dad is and tell me more about him is that Crystal clear" I said
Ein's POV
"yes it's crystal clear" He said
Aphmau's POV
"good" I said

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