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It's a nice lovely cool evening,Caroline is singing while arraying the plates on the dining table...her dad is almost done preparing their dinner.
"Dad the table is set!"shouts Caroline
"Okay dear,just a minute"he responds
Caroline seats on the rocking chair the silence for her was rather peaceful than annoying after all she was used to it...there was nothing much at home,but she loved it.Carrying the large pot of soup,Drelan Hermi(Caroline's dad)sets it on the table.Caroline bumps with joy and is ready to serve her dad.
"Easy there kiddo"he says chuckling
"I'm fine dad"says Caroline confidently
He stares at Caroline and is amazed at how joyful she always is...just like her mother,he thought.Suddenly,the door flang open and a shadowy mysterious figure was at the door.Drelan is startled and heads over to see whoever it was.
"Shh,be still.."he says placing his index on Caroline's lips
As soon as he came close enough the shadowy figure stang his fangs into his neck rivulets of blood spilling on his shirt some on the wooden floor.Caroline is forced to watch in shock..she is left mouth agape her mind trying to process what exactly was happening.After contentment,the shadowy figure tossed Caroline's dad on the floor as if he was weightless and swiftly disappeared into the darkness.Caroline hurriedly rushes to where his father's body lay.
"Dad..Daddy wake up"she scries sobbingly her eyes gripping the sight of the wound his father had on his looked as if a chunk of meat had been scooped from his neck blood still oozing.
"Daddy please wake up"she cries out
With an ear piercing scream,Caroline lays her head on her father's chest..though she was still young it was obvious that her dad was dead.In a tensed and panicked mood,she hurriedly heads for the landline and calls over her aunt.
"No!No!Dad?...Aunt Lennie will be here soon..we'll take you to hospital"she says tears streaming down her face.Within half an hour,her aunt arrived and is shocked by the sight her eyes caught,his brother lay there in a pool of blood his face seeming pale with Caroline laying herself on his chest in tears.She drops down her bag and falls to the ground...speechless
"Auntie you came...please let's take dad to the hospital please.."she breaks down.
"What happened Caroline?"she asks eyes fixed on her brother's body.
"Someone came the door flung in...and dad fell down..blood all over his"she stammers trying to explain.
"Auntie please..."she cries out her blood stained hands taking hold of her aunts arms pleadingly.
"It's too late.."says Lennie in shock.
"No Auntie,the hospital is still open"she utters.
"Your father is dead,Caroline"a tear cascades down her rosy chubby cheek.
"No's not true"says Caroline clinging onto her father's body.Lennie gets up and slowly lifts Caroline from the dead body.Kicking her legs around she struggles to get down.
"Calm down's all going to be fine dear"trying to comfort Caroline as she tucked Caroline in her arms.
"He can't be dead"she mummers as her mouth is tucked in Lennie's sweater.
"It's okay sugar bear"she says gently kissing her forehead.Lennie decides to preserve the body and starts the burial arrangements.With the dark heavy clouds hovering around,it signified the melancholy mood.The day was here,the day Caroline would bid her father farewell..her best friend.In black tuxedos and black veils,close family and friends headed for the Bitrevia cemetery.The priest trying to be brief as possible,summarized his words in one paragraph:
*May his soul rest in peace,his memory would forever be engraved in our minds and hearts but his time was due.May God see his family through this hard time*
Caroline cried uncontrollably her eyes swollen her nose reddish probably from all the crying.Her Aunt in dark shades and that netted Vail that covered her left ear crossed her her forehead to the right ear laying loose.She tries to get Caroline to composure but to no avail.With such brief words from the priest.Everyone threw their white roses on the casket mumbling their last respect.As Caroline tossed the last rose a sharp pain pierced her heart,her dad was gone,never to return.She had so much to tell him,so much to share with him but that creature took him away.Life had a funny way of taking away what and whom she valued and loved beginning with her mother,her Dad was all she had and now he's gone too.Slowly moving aside from the casket,the casket moved down slowly and with each further distance Caroline's heart sank.The polar bearers scoop shovels of sand tossing it on the casket and finally the whole casket was covered up.Everyone passed their condolence and words of comfort to Caroline and her aunt before leaving.
"Caroline let's go dear"says Lennie.
"Let me stay here Aunt.with daddy,just a little more please"she says heading down to the ground and laying her arms over the pile of soil.
"Daddy please come back,I won't steal candy anymore"she says her eyes full of tears.This broke Lennie's heart but she had to be strong..if not for least for Caroline.Placing her arms on Caroline's shoulders she helps her get up

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