Back and Forth

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With eleven years passed,Caroline had come to terms that her father was really no more.Still battling with the nightmares almost every night,she decided not to inform her aunt of them as they would only cause her worry and she was the only one she had left,the only one.Besides she was now old enough to take care of herself.The agony and rage still fueled inside her.The constant reminder that rang in her head everyday,vengeance.Her being able to do nothing as her father was killed infront of her eyes still haunted her to date.She walks into the lawn a smile on her face on seeing a young blossoming flower.She enters the house and heads to the study.Layers of books were well arranged in shelves dust particles masking them.It had been long ever since she lay foot in the study,it was her father's shrine and in order to forget the pain the room had been shut for those 11 years but she managed to take the keys from Aunt Lennie's tiny old cylindrical brown mahogany chest.Memories made in that study start flooding back forcing tears to dwell in her eyes.She moves along in paced steps her left hand sliding over the edges of the books.Something caught her attention,that calendar
12 August 1995
Dad and Caroline's day.
Best Father and daughter in the world Day.A hot tear cascaded down her chubby cheek tearing her heart into two.That was the following day after her father was brutally murdered.They were supposed to have that day to themselves but fate had it different.She furiously shuts the door and accidentally bumps into her Aunt.She tries to suppress her shock,wipes off her tears and acts compose.As if interrogating the place with her eyes,Lennie gave the place a quick scan and noticed the study room door was slightly open.She realizes that Caroline had been in that room.
"Auntie?you back so soon she says trying to fake a smile.
"Caroline why did you open that room?"she asks frankly.
"Auntie...I..."she stammers.
"You shouldn't have opened that room!you know that!"she raises her voice.
"But Auntie...I..."she is cut short.
"You shouldn't!it's been 11 years!your father is dead!long gone!"she yells the impact of her words portrayed on Caroline's face.
"I know it has!he wasn't supposed to die...not that early"she says angrily.
"The vampires"she says staring in space.
"Vampires?do they even exist?"a string of confusion and curiosity in her voice.
"The creature that killed your father!"she says.
"What?!!!"soliloquizes Caroline in shock.
"For decades vampires have committed autrosities under the shadows,with no one to dare challenge their devious deeds,maliciously feeding on innocent victims compelling them to do and believe in whatever they are told"she says in shivering voice.
"So Dad was also a vampire's victim?"she asks in tears.
"Yes Child"she confirms assertively.
"Now? telling me about"she asks surprised.
"You were too young to understand anything but now you know"she says.
"A vampire killed my father"she says it out loudly as each word weighing a lot as it sank in.
"my documentaries....I....that I gathered... through out... the years... secretly"she says as if putting the broken pieces together.
"That's very unsafe child,you shouldn't dare head for them"she says frightened.
"That has given me the push..I've always needed auntie"Caroline says boldly.
"No child please!"she pleads.
"But...where do I do I start?"her mind in a state of confusion.
"Caroline you can't do this...please child"tears in her eyes.
"I need to Auntie...for him!I swore on my life to avenge his death...I won't change my mind!"raising her voice.Auntie Lennie faces the other direction.Was this the right time to tell Caroline about her identity?...her true originality?but how would she react to it...?after all these years?..but her father...he had reason for her not to find out about her true's what he wanted for her.No!she couldn't tell her anything,at least not now..she thought.
"Auntie?Auntie?Auntie?"Caroline called out tapping Lennie's shoulder.Buffled,she snaps back and responds.
"Yes yes child?"
"Auntie what's wrong?"she asks worriedly.
"Someone needs to rise up against these mistakes of nature"she says walking away and with those words Caroline decides it was about time.She shuts the study room and heads to her room.Dialing Harvey's number she calls him over,her best friend since childhood,he always was there was there when she needed him the most.Within few minutes time,Harvey was at Caroline's house.
"Hey Harvey...I have to tell you something"she says pulling him inside.Just her touch on his skin made Harvey's heart skip a beat,he had a crush on her but hadn't summed up enough courage to tell her.It could wait he thought.They rush upstairs and Caroline hurriedly gets out her documentaries over the years.
"Harvey..that creature that killed dad is ...a vampire"she says.
"All the features in my documentaries concerning the mysterious deaths in this town point out to a vamp..."she is cut short by Harvey.
"Hold on...what?!"he blurts out.
"I know right?...same reaction I had"she says.Harvey heads where Caroline had to the window and coincidentally, they pick up the book on the nice large wooden table at the same time.Their fingers in contact with each other,they both looked each other in the eyes,the tension was building up especially for Harvey.Grinning his chin and suppressing his fear,he pulled inwards and now and inch of space lay between them.Caroline breathes in heavily and without eating anytime,Harvey grabs Caroline's lower lip with his lips and they are caught in the moment.Suddenly,Caroline pauses and looks into Harvey's large brown eyes,with such reaction Harvey knew he had messed up and pulled back.He grabs his college bag and is set to leave until Caroline holds him by his arm gently pulls him towards her gently kisses him her thumb on his cheek her fingers having a hold on his neck partly.He gives in and hurriedly tosses his bag on the floor he lifts Caroline her legs on clinging for support on his waist and places her on the table.He kisses her neck and sexily bites her ear lobe his hands laying on her breasts.Caroline heaves passionately as she tries to get rid if the T-shirt he was wearing.He hurriedly helps her take off her sweater-top as she helps him take off the T-shirt and they are consumed by the fire of the moment uncontrollably.After a few hours,Caroline under Harvey's arm,he was awake but Caroline was sound asleep and she looked more adorable with her long eyelashes defining her eyes.Covered in Caroline's large cute dotted blanket,Caroline and Harvey lay there.On waking up,Caroline finds Harvey awake staring at her.
"Hey"she says giggling
"Yes me"he says sarcastically with a smile on his face
"About what happened...I...look"says Caroline.
"It's okay darling,don't think about it too much"he says.
"But Harv.."before she could complete Harvey swipes in with a kiss.A broad smile appears on Caroline's face and with that she lays her head on Harvey's chest her fingers playing on his other other chest pack.Harvey rubs Caroline's hair his eyes fixed on the window.Hours later,Lennie arrives home and her loud foot steps grew louder,Caroline is startled.She knew she was heading for her room.In a brisk pace,she shoved Harvey's clothes in his arms warning him to jump through the window.
"We'll talk later Harv"she says.
"Caroline..?!what's..uh..."he stammers.
"Aunt Lennie...she's coming...!quick!"she commands.
Harvey still trying to comprehend what was happening.He jumps off through the window his facial expression expressing that he was confused.Caroline looks at him with pityful eyes a suppressed smile on her lips.Harvey raises his head squinting his eyes,his cruised clothes forming a hump in the angle of his locked arm.Wearing a faint smile then breaking into a small laughter.He puts his index number over his lips to indicate silence.Caroline couldn't help it but wear a broad smile and admire Harvey's character,she had always known him to be mischievous and today proved that that trait was still in him.Hearing a soft knock;Caroline puts on her long maroon robe and heads over to open the door.
"Hey Auntie"she says her left arm on the door ream the other having a grip on the golden door knob wearing a bright smile.
"Sweetie...I'm back..sorry I left without informing you"she says.
"It's okay's fine really"says Caroline.
"Okay Caroline...come help me unpack the groceries"she says leaving for downstairs.
"I'll be there in a few"she says.
As Lennie walks down each staircase she wonders how she will tell Caroline the secret she has kept all these years.The secret her father kept away from her all those years before he died.The possible impact of what such news could have on Caroline made Lennie shiver in fear.She had to,the sooner she did the better.Arriving downstairs,Lennie took the khaki bag that contained the groceries and placed them on the sink.
"Caroline?"she calls out.
"Yes auntie,just a moment please"responds Caroline shoving her feet into her brown fluffy slippers and hurriedly rushes downstairs.
"I'm here Auntie!"she exclaims.
"Owh how lovely"says Lennie a tiny bit of sarcasm clearly evident in her voice.They both bust out in laughter.Caroline starts to unpack the groceries from the khaki bag.
"Wash the lettuce first honey,you'll unpack later"says Lennie.
"Let me put them in the drawer then."she says
"Fine then."Lennie responds.
"I'll be back Auntie,let me get my recipe book, okay?"Says Caroline.
"Caroli..."before Lennie could finish,Caroline had dushed out to get her recipe book.She loved using it whenever she was with her Aunt Lennie.
"Where is it?..where...where?"she says her fingers roughly going through the books placed on the book shelf next to the staircase.
"Bingo!"she exclaims as she had spotted it.
"Auntie?I found it!"she says.
"Auntie?"calls out Caroline.
"Auntie?"she calls out and all she met was creepy silence.Caroline is frightened by the silence and heads towards the kitchen to check on what was going on.Quietly she tiptoes to the kitchen door,all she sees is darkness and the moonlight that paved its way through the window brightly.Her heart pounds louder with each step she takes.Crawling next to the sink,her eyes lay on her Aunt in a pool of blood her eyes popped out.Trying to process what catastrophe that lay in front of her,she goes down to her knees all thoughts running a storm through her head,many rhetorical questions flashing in.She lifts her head slowly a hot tear landing on her Aunt's cheek and spotting the bite on the neck,she was in a devastated state.No!how?!No!not again!Blood stained in her palms she took out a bone chilling scream her chin raised high her shut eyes facing the moon her mouth open as the pain felt like a machete being driven through her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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