Gale Is The New Black? Or Black Is The New Gale?

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One year after the Epilogue of Mockingjay.....

"So what do you say, Patricia? Will you go out with me?" Gale had asked his friend, whom he had been crushing on for sixteen years now, out on a date.

"Really?" Patricia asked, annoyed. "You've waited sixteen years to ask me?"

"Umm, yeah. So?"

"SO?! YOU'VE WAITED TOO LONG TO ASK ME! I used to have a huge crush on you, but I decided that I'm not going to waste my life waiting for some guy that'll never make a move. Sorry Gale, but I moved on. I'm actually going on a date tonight so it wouldn't work out. Bye!"

Gale was very disappointed, for he loved her almost as much as he used to love Katniss. It was only then that he realized that he needed to make his move right away from then on in.

- - -

"Sorry, Gale, but I'm into bakers, not hunters," Amy said, refusing to go out with him.

"But I'm sure I can bake too," Gale insisted.

"Yeah right! No one likes your food."

"Not true!"

"Bye Gale!" Amy walked away, leaving Gale standing by himself at District 2's little coffee shop.

What a Gale fail!

- - -

That night, Gale decided to take a walk in the woods, alone. As he walked, he thought to himself, "Why is it so hard to get a girl? I'm thirty-five years old and I've still never dated anyone in my life. I can never stand a chance against a baker. I'm always stuck in friend-zone. I take too long to make a move. I even killed my first love's sister, accidentally. Why did I just ditch her? I should have just been mature and apologized..."

Suddenly, a black gooey substance fell from the sky, landing on the top of his head, spreading through his whole body. Seconds later, he appeared to be in a black suit, looking almost like an evil version of Spider-Man. He gained powers, such as webbing like Spider-Man. He felt a lot stronger, faster, and better than he's ever felt in his entire life. It wasn't long till a dark thought crossed his mind. "Or maybe I should seek revenge...."

- - -

"Tag, you're it!" Willow exclaimed, tapping her older brother, Rye, on his shoulder, running away from him. Once tagged, Rye turned and chased after her.

They ran around the whole living room and then into the kitchen, heading toward the stove where Peeta was cooking lunch. Luckily, Katniss caught them in time. "Hey, no running in the kitchen!" she told them, interrupting their little game and taking them back to the living room.

Rye, deciding to include his mother, tagged her saying, "You're it!"

Katniss laughed, running after her children around the house, joining in on the fun. Although the fun didn't last very long; that is, when someone rang the doorbell. Katniss stopped chasing the kids, and went to answer the door. But as soon as she opened it, she wished she hadn't.

At the doorway stood Gale in his black Spider-Man like suit, gritting his sharp teeth. Katniss, scared as heck, tried to slam the door in his face, but he stopped it with his hand, due to his new reflex ability. She screamed, turning to run away from him, but the venom symbiote wrapped around her ankle, making her almost trip, but Gale grabbed her with his hands, dragging her out of the house. As he was kidnapping her, Katniss kept yelling as loud as she could.

Peeta heard and ran outside, but it was too late. Before he could reach Katniss, Gale webbed her mouth shut, swinging away with her. Peeta stood there, mixed emotions dwelling up inside of him: shocked, confused, angry, and sad. Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, the love of his life had been taken away from him. He didn't know who the creature was or why he would want her. He didn't even know if that was the last time he'd ever see her. All he could do now was call the district troops.

Gale Is The New Black? Or Black Is The New Gale? (THG/Spider-Man One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now