🖤𝑆𝑜 𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦🖤

28 11 6

I've got three words left to say
I'm so sorry
I'll just hurry
Up and go

I'll climb a tree
Branch by branch
At the top I'll stand
With trembling hands
And watch the sun go down
Wishing I could go with it

But no, I'll stand here surrounded by regret
And guilt
I've got the blood
On my conscience now
From the knife I put in your back
I'm so sorry

What worse way is there to die
Than at the hands of your mind?
I'll let the pain overwhelm me
Until I die naturally

I hear your voice in the winds whispers
A reminder of the way you held me tender
For me, you left him
And for him I left you

A/N this one isn't from my perspective. It's basically what I wish someone (in particular) would say to me as an apology. So I wrote it from her perspective.

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