Chapter 1.

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It was Friday evening and the Karasuno boys Volleyball team had just finished their game. They'd won against Nekoma and everyone was still fresh with adrenaline. As they were on the bus ride home, Nishinoya was talking about the game and Asahi just smiled, listening contently. Asahi always loved listening to Nishinoya's voice, especially when he was joyful. Sugawara looked at the two boys and smiled brightly, almost completely forgetting that the 3rd years were graduating soon. When the thought drifted into Sugawara's mind, his smile fell. Daichi looked at Suga, his eyes showing confusion and concern.

Daichi spoke up, "Are you alright Suga?"

Suga smiled and said "Of course Im fine," but Daichi saw through his strong poker face.

"Alright, if you say so." Daichi said, turning his attention back to the phone he had in his hands.


Once the boys got back to their highschool, they all got off the bus. It was roughly 8:30 pm and most of the team was tired. Of course Nishinoya wasn't though, he was always so energetic. Asahi always wondered, how does he stay so happy and hyper? The boys walked into the Karasuno gym, the air filling with chatter. As they were packing up their things preparing and to go home, Nishinoya walked over to Asahi.

Asahi smiled kindly at the small boy, "Hey Noya, what's up?"

Nishinoya smiled even brighter (if that was even possible), "Wanna walk home with me? Please?"

Asahi, of course, would love to take Nishinoya home. It would also make him less lonely-however, Asahi loved messing with Noya just as much as he loved Noya himself, so the first thing he said was, "You're going to have to give me something in return."

Nishinoya answered sounding dead serious "What do you want? Whatever it is, I'll give it to you." Asahi started laughing which confused Noya. But Nishinoya soon realized why Asahi was laughing.

"REALLY, ASAHI?!" Noya shouted, playfully shoving his upper classman.

Asahi smiled, "Of course I'll walk you home"

Nishinoya rolled his eyes playfully "Thanks bro."


Asahi and Nishinoya were walking home together when Nishinoya spoke up. "I'm gonna miss you, you know?"

"What do you mean, Noya?" Asahi asked confusion filling his voice.

"When you graduate.." Nishinoya mumbled, staring at his feet.

Asahi felt his heart sink in his chest. He didn't want to leave. His teammates were his only friends.

"I'll call you guys everyday," Asahi said truly believing he would.

"I know.. it just won't be the same."

"I'll visit all the time, I promise you Noya." By now the two had stopped walking. Nishinoya swiftly wrapped Asahi into a tight hug, squeezing his eyes shut. Asahi hugged him back knowing how much he will miss the small boy and his bright mood. The two stood in silence, hugging each other tightly, dreading the day Asahi had to let go.


It was the day of the graduation and most of the team was trying to cheer up the 3rd years. Asahi had already had a college lined up and was excited, but couldn't shake the guilt of leaving Nishinoya.


Everyone was in the gymnasium while the ceremony was going on. When Asahi's name was called Noya just smiled and hid his sorrow.


Daichi, Sugawara, and Asahi were all packed for college. They met at the Karasuno Highschool with their team to say goodbye. Sugawara was teary eyed because he didn't want to leave his baby crows. Hinita was very upset as well and didn't want them to go to college. Nishinoya, however, had been hugging Asahi the moment they got to the highschool. Asahi, of course, was hugging back. Sugawara was the first to speak up.

"We'll call you guys everyday, and we'll visit every weekend."

Tanaka smiled, "You better!!"

The boys laughed smiling at each other before realizing they were running late.

Daichi shouted, "WE'RE LATE, WE NEED TO GO! BYE GUYS!!" Sugawara and Daichi bolted to Daichi's car. Asahi ran to his car as well, breaking contact with Nishinoya. As they drove off Nishinoya mumbled under his breath sadly,
"I didnt even get to say goodbye.."

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