Chapter 3*

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Maureen POV


Loud party goers going from one club to another....

All sorts of colorful characters walk, or stumble by while I patiently wait for my human mate to get off from work so I can make sure with my own eyes he arrives home, or wherever his destination is, safely. 

With it being late, the night crowd has proven entertaining to say the least as I pass my time!

I've been hanging around since I first encountered him, not being able to bring myself to leave.

I feel pathetic though. I also feel like a stalker but I just want to make sure my mate is safe. My Beta, Jax, has already mind linked me to check in since I've not returned from my business meetings. He naturally inquired as to why I'm staying out in the city. It's unlike me to stay out so late especially after having conducted business earlier in the day.  I told him I am safe and I'd keep him posted since I'm unsure how long I'd be out. 

I anxiously watch the store, fidgeting while waiting for any sign he is done with work. 

He finally exits the door!! His shift apparently over!

**Finally! Mate! - Shelia excitedly shouts

I cautiously watch him as he leaves the store only for it to begin to rain!  Shit, the rain will decrease my ability to locate his scent and make it harder to follow him! I hate that! I love his scent too! Not to mention the rain will make it harder to track him if we get separated.

 He hesitantly looks up at the rain and makes a disgruntled face, so cute. He quickly places a baseball cap on and heads away from the store. I carefully follow him to a bus stop, hoping he doesn't notice me. Although, I'm not sure if him not noticing me or not is a good thing. Shouldn't he be mindful of who is around him? What if a thug were to sneak up and rob him? Shouldn't he need to be observant? mind is racing.....

He quietly waits on a metal bench at a bus stop.  Damn thing doesn't even have a cover so he's still getting drenched!! Finally, an older-looking bus rolls up and halts near the bus depot. He's finally able to step onto a bus from the downpour, which according to the posted bus route is heading toward the other side of town. So, I do what any normal possessive alpha werewolf whose human mate is riding a bus late at night does. Obviously, I follow him onto the city bus and sit right behind him.

"Excuse me, do you have a piece of peppermint gum I can have?"  I innocently ask him. Oh, how stupid can you be Maureen. You just saw him at the store and bought some peppermint gum. Duh!! Maybe he won't notice.

"Um, no I don't. I'm sorry,"  he softly replies while staring at me.

I mean, why go up to a complete stranger and ask for a piece of gum. And a specific flavor gum at that! Yeah, I'm not strange AT ALL!

His beautiful eyes widen with sudden realization. "You were in the store earlier! You bought a lot of chocolate and peppermint stuff, right? Didn't you buy some peppermint gum at the store earlier?" he rapidly ask.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry," I sheepishly mumble, looking down with a slight smile. 

Damn, he noticed!

We casually talk, which feels so natural,  a bit more about my sweet tooth, food, places to eat and before I know it he says it's his stop to get off. I'm sad to see him go and it takes every bit of my willpower to watch him exit the bus. I loved listening to him talk, watching him smile. Why do we have to be separated so soon? I don't want to look like a stalker so I grudgingly let him step off the bus without me.

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