Brutal Truth

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When I saw Will lying on the table naked, my heart stopped at that moment. I never expected to see him lying him naked in front of another woman. My brain stopped working for few seconds. I felt like there was not enough air to breathe in that laboratory and my heart seemed to be dead. I know deep inside that Will could never do this to me, but what I saw told me otherwise. My mind told me to run away from there, but my heart told me vise versa. I slowly approached him as I searched for an answer. His dress were kept in an hanker on the corner of the room which was nothing like removed in hurry.

I glanced at the woman standing like she saw a ghost with laboratory coat and her make-up and dress were neat as freak. She was shocked to see me but she had a file on her hand with a pen in another hand as if she was writing something, something before she noticed me. Something hit me harder as I approached him closer. He was not sleeping, he seems to be unconscious. I rushed to him and covered him with a bedsheet. Tears fell from my eyes as if it was a cascade. I had no control over my tears or emotions. It was all over the place.

When I cupped his face, it was colder than a big block of ice. The coldness my hand felt made me shiver and sent goosebumps to my spine and all over my body. My heart felt frozen and the fear of losing my beloved husband broke my heart. "Will!" My blood froze on the chilliness of his skin. "Will! Open your eyes!" I cried loudly. "Will!"

Suddenly he opened his eyes and what I saw then made me scared to death. His magnetic Gray eyes turned into red and he sat on the table with no facial reaction like a zombie coming into life in movies. My body started to tremble and I stood there as if I was frozen. I forgot to let my breath out as I was looking at him terrified.

"The self scanning completed. Upgrading completed." He said in a metallic voice.

'What the hell is he talking? What does he mean's by self scanning? What the hell does he means by upgrading?' I was totally confused and terrified with his words. But he doesn't seemed to notice me yet. He continued...

"Report - All the motors are in good condition. Sensors are upgraded for parenting version. Actuators are in good condition. Artificial skin don't have any damages, so there's no need to change it anytime sooner. Speed of access got increased."

'What does he means by artificial skin?' I felt dizzy and I was terrified to hear these from his mouth. I felt like I lost my sense and I was gone insane that's why I was hearing something stupid. That woman looked at me like she saw a ghost and then it started to hit me harder that it's the reality.

"AI updation rules - Should not harm any human or animals. Should protect the family."

'What? AI!'

"Should love Sara unconditionally. Should not let Sara or others to find out the truth about me, The Robot WIL-6, version 9.0. Should not expose the physical power in public."

'What? Robot?' I totally lost it then. I didn't remember anything that happened after I heard those. I stood like a frozen statue. My complete and happy world fallen into pieces that moment. The dream of living a life of a happy family completely turned into ashes. As my eyes closed in dizziness and my legs lost it's balance, I collapsed on the floor.

I don't remember anything happened after that. I felt like I was floating on the air and when I opened my eyes, I was in my home covered with sheets and IV was connected to the major vein of my left hand. 'Ughh! What? a nightmare?' I was so happy to be at home when I woke up. I was very happy to know everything was just a dream. I slowly stood from the bed and removed the IV before going out in the direction from where I heard my husband's voice.

I was very happy. My husband seemed to be on a call in his home-office. Before I knock the door, he opened it as if he knows that I was standing there. The moment I saw him, vast amount of dopamine secretion inside me made me to jump on him and started to cry like a baby. 'I can't loose you honey! I can't.'

"Sara!" He catched me and hugged me tightly. I cried and he too cried with me. "I'm sorry Sara. I was programmed in such way. I can't reveal the truth about myself without his permission."

I jumped down from his embrace all of the sudden and started to walk backwards. 'What? It's not a dream?'

"What?" Nothing other than that came out of my mouth. Everything happened in my life seemed to be like a nightmare which I could never forget anytime in this life. The castle which I built very carefully got destroyed within a second because of the hurricane of truth I learned. I couldn't process anything in my mind because everything I believed so far turned into a big fat lie. My life became a child's play without me realising it.

"So... You are a robot, right?" Betrayal made my voice cold. Not only my voice turned cold, but also my heart. I looked at his face for an answer.

"Yes." When he said it out loud, I felt like there was no oxygen left in the air to breathe. He came closer to me and when he tried to touch me, I stopped him.

I raised my hands up, "Don't you dare to touch me." I don't know what I'm thinking anymore. The touch that I crave for, the proximity that I long for and the man I loved, everything was a lie. He is a lie...

"Sara... Please hear me out." He held my hands and I felt the warmness in his touch. Tears welled in his eyes. For a second I forgot that he's not a human but a machine. "I might not be a human like you, but what we had is true." He reminded me again that he's not a human.

Lots of questions popped on my head like popcorn popping in the popcorn machine. I swallowed the tears and wanted to shoot the questions which were eating me alive. But nothing came out of my mouth. The only thing that came in my mind is... Something which I never dreamt of doing in my life with Will. I rushed into our bedroom and packed my dresses in a trolley bag and took my handbag which I kept on the table.

When I came out, he was shocked to see me with my luggages. "Sara, baby, where are you leaving at this hour? It's raining heavily outside. It's not safe for you and our baby to go out now. Please.... Listen to me." He approached me.

"Stand where you are. Don't even think about stopping me now. I'm not planning on committing suicide, but if you follow me, I'll die at the instant." I shouted. "Who do you think you are to stop me? My husband? You are not a human... Just a machine. You can't stop me." Tears betrayed me by rolling down from my eyes.

He stood there shocked with teary eyes. "I know I'm a machine, but I love you. I have feelings for you. You are my wife... My love." I laughed at his words and came out of the house in the stormy weather all alone. The pouring rain felt like heavens were crying for me.

"I'm a robot."

"I'm a robot."

"I might not be a human, but what we had is true."

"I know I'm a machine, but I love you."

His word echoed in my ears and I could hear nothing other than that. I walked for hours in the pouring rain in the direction where my legs took me. My tears merged with the raindrops and the road seems to be endless.

"I'm a robot."

"I'm a robot."

"I might not be a human, but what we had is true."

"I know I'm a machine, but I love you."

"I'm not a human."

"I'm a robot."

"I'm a machine."

The thins he said was only echoing in my ears which made it impossible for me to hear any of the sound from my surroundings. My life became uncertain like the route I was walking.

The sweetest memories which we had turned into a terrific one in few seconds. When I saw a couple coming out of an ice-cream shop at the corner of the unknown road I was walking through, the memory of us having ice-cream like kids popped up in front of me. I didn't saw that couple, instead I saw myself along with Will. Running around with ice-cream and teasing eachother, then, kissing each other in the name of feeding the ice-cream.

That's all it takes for me to break down like my broken heart. My legs weakened and I sat on the middle of the road as I broke into tears. I couldn't identify which drop was rain drop and which was my tears. I cried for hour sitting in the middle of the road in the heavy rain. Suddenly I felt that I was hit by something. When I tried to see what hit me, that was a car. My eyes closed automatically and I couldn't open it. In a few seconds, I felt my body light and everything became silent and dark.

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