Chapter One

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Andy's POV

They say, first love never dies. Is that the reason why until now, I can't forget him? I can't get over him even though I know that's the best thing to do. Why? Because he already belongs to someone else. Even if I want to fight for him, it will only be useless.

Fighting for him will only make things more complicated for us.

"So it is really true that Jared will marry the youngest daughter of one of the most popular business tycoon in our country? That classmate of ours is so lucky."

"Yeah. He's so lucky that he has good looks to make that rich kid marry him or else, his family company will be dead in bankruptcy."

"Old fashion but arrange marriage is still going on for rich people."

"Yeah. But it only proves how practical they are."

"Love or bread?"

I want to run away so that I won't hear whatever my classmates said about Jared anymore. It hurts that everyday, the world is telling to my face that he will never be mine again. He already belongs to someone else and that someone else will never be me.

Is there anything I can do to save his family in their financial issues? Is there anything I can do to make him marry me instead?

I hurriedly fixed my things on the locker because I don't want to hear my classmates talking about Jared anymore. I want to run away and find peace in my messy mind.

I want to be free from this painful situation.


Do you know the quote 'Rubbing salt into the wound?'. That's what I did to myself when I agreed to attend Jared's engagement party. I let myself watched how the love of my life got engaged with someone else. It hurts even more whenever I caught Jared's eyes watching me. 

How can I move on from him if he will always give me a reason to foolishly hope that there will be a happy ending for our love story?



I stopped walking then smiled bitterly when I've heard that sweet voice. I went out of the hotel's room block venue of Jared's engagement party to breathe. I felt like being choke there that's why I want to escape but the person I didn't want to talk with the most tonight followed me.

"Andy...Please...Can we talk?"

I smiled bitterly. 'Talk? What for?'

"Andy...I love you."

I bit my lower lip trying hard to stop myself from bursting into tears.

' I know that you love me, Jared and I love you too but... the universe is against us.'


I continued walking away and I was about to enter the elevator when I felt a hand hold my right hand tightly. I know it's Jared. He pulled me closer to him and meet my eyes.

"Andy... I'm so sorry." He apologized but I just smiled bitterly.

"Don't be. I know that you can't do anything against your parents. I'm happy because I know you made your father proud of you, Jared." I said. I'm aware that his relationship with his dad is not good and I know that he finally made his father proud because of this engagement.

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