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Gianna's P.O.V

I am Gianna Marchesi. An eldest child. 22 years of existence in this world. Living with my family here in Latresi. A place ruled by De Luca.

Ever since I can remember they have ruled over the land. Normally the living condition in our land is the typical type.

Every month they would deliver supplies to our home. People usually have farms here for a living. Then they would sell their produce or barter other items for it.

Although a war started in our land thankfully we won and De Luca is know expanding our territories and making sure to protect our borders.

His men are patrolling around the land 24/7 to ensure that there would not be any spies from other territories.

Although no one has really said to have seen him outside his castle. All of the business done outside the castle is carried out by his men or those people with high ranking that serves him as well.

Some say that he is too ugly to go out of his castle. That is why he has his men to do all the business for him.

Some says that he is too old to go out. A bedridden man due to his age.

And finally some says that he is a spawn of a demon living an infinite life but is cursed to never see daylight.

We have increased our production of livestock too and has opened exchange of products from other lands.

All things are settling back to normal.

Me and my family runs a sheep farm we usually process wool and trade it for the products in the market. We would typically gain items that could supply us for months.

Then the meat would be sold to the people or sometimes we just keep it and store it for our future consumption.

I have a little brother name Ricci. He had my father's eyes darkest of brown. While I had my mother's deep blue eyes.

"Gianna!" My mother called.

"Coming mum!" I answered back as I tossed the dried grass to the sheep's cage.

I quickly unhanged the bucket and let it dove to the well. I cranked it till the bucket full of water reached the top.

I tied the rope and lifted the bucket and started walking towards the door.

"Giaaaaaa!" My brother exclaimed as he clinged to me when he opened the door.

"Stop it now you're gonna make me spill the water from the bucket." I said trying to maintain my balance whilst carrying the bucket of water.

"Your sister is right. It would be better if you help her carry the bucket Ricci." My mother stated.

Ricci then grabbed the bucket from my hand and carried it over to the counter top near the pile of wood.

"Where is father?" I asked.

"Your father is getting some wood by the mountains. We were getting low on supply and we don't want him going out to the mountains during winter." She stated.

"Father said that I could help him mend the sheep's cage when he return!" Ricci happily stated.

"Ricci can you be a dear and grab me some carrot in the backyard?" Mother told Ricci.

"Okay. I'll be quick." He replied then went out to the backyard.

"Have you heard the news?" My mother asked.

I walked near her and helped her chopped the vegetables.

"About what mum?" I asked as I slowly started mincing the garlic.

"I've heard that De Luca will soon command his men to search for new slaves to serve in his castle." Mother said.

"Well it's almost winter so I guess it is normal for him to get new slaves." I answered.

Every year during winter people would be selected and they would work for De Luca till the day that they cannot and only during that day can they be free.

"I sure do hope that no one close to us be taken." Mother stated.

"I sure hope so too."

"Mum I got these! Aunt Juliet also gave me some bread she told me that she owes you for the meat you gave her last week." Ricci said as he gave my mother a bag full of bread.

"These are too many. This could last us for months. I should store them immediately." Mother said as she took the bag and left.

"Give me the carrots." I told Ricci.

He handed me the carrots and I scooped a tub of water and rinsed off the dirt.

It's snowing outside.

"This early? That's odd. Normally it would not start snowing till the end of the month." I stated.

"We should fix the cages soon." Ricci said as he sat on the stool near me.

"I heard some people outside and they were talking about something about an announcement posted at the market." Ricci stated.

"What announcement?" Mother asked.

"They said it was about the annual gathering of slaves for De Luca." Ricci answered.

"I told you it was real. They were really starting early this year." Mother said as she stirred the boiling stew.

"Mmmm it smells delicious mum!"

I then added the chopped carrots to the boiling stew as mum mixed it in.

"Well it's not like we have a choice to postpone the selection. No one really knows what happens inside that castle." I stated.

"Plus there were rumours saying that De Luca wasn't really ruling over Latresi any more. They were saying that he was probably dead by now and a different man was ruling." I gossiped.

"If he were dead then we would have been attacked by people by now." Mother stated.

"Who would be dead?" A voice added.

"Fatheeer you're home!" Ricci happily exclaimed as he ran towards my father.

"Yeah we had to go home early it was snowing pretty heavily near the mountains." Father stated.

"Good thing you left early it seems like it's gonna snow heavily for a while." Mother said.

"Looks like it." I added.

"Father are we going to fix the cages tomorrow?" Ricci asked.

"Looks like we have to. I think winter's starting early this year." Father stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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