•Chapter I•

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❄️Third Person POV❄️

It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of Arendelle to start the beginning of the new year, 1813. Much had changed within the last 5 years.

The kingdom had grown, with more people travelling in from the far seas to begin a new life. More trade partners had entered into Arendelle thanks to the young King and his negotiation skills.

The previous Queen, Rita, dropped many of her duties and has since retired. Though she helps around when needed, she loves spending her free time with a certain young girl.

The past 5 years had gone quickly for the young King. Who was soon to be 20, a year off before being officially crowned as King of Arendelle. His hair no longer was golden blonde but now a strawberry blonde like his mothers. It has grown quite a bit, still a little messy, but neatly parted to the side showing off his now grown sideburns. The faintest sight of a moustache forming on his now chiselled face. Not to mention, how much taller he has grown. Capturing the attention of some young maidens in the kingdom.

But he only had eyes for one in particular. She had grown a lot within the last few years. She looked like an elegant young lady. Herself being nearly 19, had her beautiful chocolate hair simply out naturally. The soft waves fell passed her shoulders as it was half done with a waterfall braid allowing her fringe also to fall onto her fine features. Her bright blue eyes shined with life and love.

But there was a time when her eyes were not so bright. It was during the summer solstice in 1812 that her adoptive parents passed suddenly and were lost at sea when they went to visit her ill aunt in the Southern Isles. She locked herself away for days, refusing even her beloved to see her.

It was during this time that she secretly returned to the Enchanted Forest. Upon reaching the sky-high mist after a day journey she reached out her gloved hand in hope of being able to enter. But it did not budge, leaving the girl feeling even more alone.

It is now that we return to the past briefly to understand what lies ahead for the young couple.

Hello Lovelies!

Here it is! The first chapter for the sequel :) sorry that it's short but don't worry the next few chapters are much longer. Just a little spoiler, the next chapter will be a chapter from the past before returning to the present in chapter 3. I'm working on updating every Tuesday for now and eventually will release twice a week once I got a few more chapters written. Hope you like it! And sorry for the wait!

Much love

(On Hold sorry) What Will Our Future HoldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt