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(Last name, first name format)
Yoru Yukina

Age: 15 years old

Height: 148 cm

Weight: 40 kg

Year: 1st year of highschool

School: Karasuno

Club/s: Karasuno Girls Volleyball Club
Karasuno Boys Volleyball club(as manager)
Karasuno Newspaper club(as a Photojournalist)

Position in game: Libero

Likes: Manga, anime, cookies n' cream flavored ice cream, cats, dogs, music, her room, peace, singing, her camera, winter season and headphones

Dislikes: Someone saying that she looks like a doll because of her appearance, people assuming she's sick or anemic because of her pale, teasing about her height, her taking the initiative of socializing, the outside world, noise, disturbance in her free time

Neutral: Volleyball (she doesn't like nor dislike volleyball)


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She is oftenly seen wearing a school uniform, PE uniform

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She is oftenly seen wearing a school uniform, PE uniform. Her volleyball uniform however is different from the rest of the girl when it comes to the design of the outfit. Her volleyball uniform design has sleeves, collar and longer shorts. In short, the design of her volleyball uniform is like the boys, the colors are only different.

Personality: Logician and Mediator. She blunt, kind but mischievous, thoughtful but doesn't show it in expression, always think logically, but considering she's a mediator as well, she can be imaginative as well

Others: She's asthmatic, introvert, a multi-tasker. Her parents are both famous businessman and businesswoman, and they graduated from Karasuno reason why she's at Karasuno. She graduated middle school at Kitagawa Daichi, but she only knows Kageyama by name ever since she heard the nickname King of the Court, but Kageyama doesn't know her. She is a student from Class 1-4

Crush: Tsukishima Kei


Haruno Mahiru

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