(note) our arguement

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Bre: why did u lie to me 

an idk if we can be friends any more 

Me: u know what bre im tired of holding in shit like when u say u want to die and u want to run away i dont want friend who dont want me to help and ur that one friend who will tell me everything thats bad and not want me to get u help or to let me help its almost like ur doing all this to make me feel bad to for attention and idk if i can keep doing all this stuff im always helping others and the only ones that help me is my fam and only a few friends and i can't keep doing all this im in the point of my life where i am accually going to try to change things for the better so that no one will get hurt

im trying to help u bre but at this point idk what to do and im sorry i want to help u but rn idk how and idk what ur saying is true or not anymore and it really hurts me

Bre: I dont what to hurt my self

Me: we have been friends forever almost and out of nowhere we go to

Bre: I love my self I am done with your drama

Me: u always say that and its not my drama dude i hate drama but some how i always get dragged into the middle of it

Bre: Just levae me alone

Me: thats fine with me bre ill leave u alone so i dont get dragged in drama anymore

Bre: I am not the one who started the drama

Me: neither am i ok i told bc i care bc i was scared ok bre

Bre: If i get sent away it will be your fault

Me: no it wont so just please stop saying that its ur fault bc u told me all this stuff about suicide so i did something about it to try to help but if it was for attention u can easly tell me nd it would be over with

u can hate me idk but im trying to do things right so im sorry alright case close goodbye

Bre: so like your life is so fucking perfect

Me: it is not perfect damn it

Then she blocked me. Like really. I'm so done with her.

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