About Violet

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Nothing has ever come easy on my part. It always end in tears and some times I wonder if that's my fate and why would God bless me with it. The say everything happens for a reason and I try to understand that every day but sometimes I get tired and stop wondering cause I do not know why my fate should be like that.

At the level of a family I have no one who is willing and ready to sponsor me in my acedemics. The only wish I have is for someone to assist me since I find it difficult in doing that because am not working and there are no jobs. A lot of people have make  promises but know one have been able to fulfill them . School resume on the 19th of October 2020 but still am home and my only hope is on God. I became a nanny when I completed my advance level because I had to raise money to sponsor myself for a year does it mean that I would have to go back and work before I go back to school again?. Am already twenty one years old I was suppose to have been done with my college degree but circumstances of life would not let me progress why?

In the pass one month now the only person who have been trying for me is my elder sister the only problem is that she doesn't have the money to assist me . Am only important to work for people but when it comes to my own needs no one is ready to sacrifice. Am tired of crying and again being emotionally can't solve any issues of mine.

The people I was hoping for are quiet as long as they are comfortable they are okay. Sometimes I wonder why my life is like this. No body is ever ready to sacrifice for me but every single day I do that for them making them happy even when am not happy . Am tired of all this but what can I do?. I became an orphan from the day I was born till today no one has been able to sacrifice for me how could I have been so  unlucky or was it giving birth to me really necessary? . I feel like if l die today I would instead be happy because atleast I would be able to end my miserable suffering. But God have the final say.

All I ever wanted was to be educated. My mother, dad, and my 5 siblings are all illiterates I wanted to be different. I wanted to be the bread winner and to make every one happy but why is life pressurising me to give up rather than encouraging me? What most I do to to have a place to stay? My problem is no the fees and is fifty thousand franc CFA and I can pay my problem is accommodation a place to stay
That's what I want. Is that too much to ask for God?.

I don't know who will read my story but I hope that someone opt to assist me, to wipe away my tears, to give me hope again so that I can be able to smile and to have a calm mind after a long time. Because have grown pale and and wondering what will happen to me in few days to come. I need help sincerely I do and if someone help me I will be indebted to that person for the rest of my life.

I would end here for now since am using but a phone to type and I find it really difficult. But before I go I have something to tell God.

              Father lord, right now your my only hope I have hoped that people around me were going to support me but as you can see no one has try to do that so far. I pray and I trust in you because you never fail your children and  l will certainly not  be the exception. Am still strong because I have you and that's the only thing that gives me hope please intervene in my situation and help me in my education. Father Please send my destiny helper ...Amen.
                       Your daughter Violet.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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