Chapter 5

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"How are you going to get him that money?" Amelia asked, her head in her hands, as they stood in the elevator. "That's a lot of money, JC and we leave tomorrow."

Nonchalant, he nodded. "I have like two or three in the room, I figured we could head out and have some fun."

"Fun?" She separated her fingers and peeked at him as he leaned leisurely against the wall. "What does that mean?"

"Hustling pool, mostly. I know a few guys I did some shit for a few months back, told them not to pay me and I'd come to them when I needed something."

"And now you need something?"

He nodded and although she wasn't looking Amelia knew he had. "Wait, who did you do work for? What work did you do?"

"Oh Princess, I can't spoil you on SAMCRO and TM wages." He laughed. "I ran some names down for few old friends, wrote a program for this one guy, nothing crazy."

The elevator dinged and he took her hand as they strolled into the hall and back down to their room. "The pool thing, I want to help."

"You are helping. What did you think I'd play the pretty, drunk girl who wants to bet?"

"You are pretty, JC."

"It's my curse," he winked, "But no one's going to believe me for a second."


Amelia was dolled up, not as much fancy as revealing, and bouncing with excitement. Maybe all those years of Tig teaching her how to play poker and billiards would finally come in handy. Giddy, she strutted into the bathroom to find Juice fussing with his hair.

"God, you're doing your hair, I love it."

He pouted. "I don't do my hair, I just gotta put some shit in it or it'll get all weird. I do this for you, don't joke."

"No, I really love it." She perched on the side of the tub and stared at him in the mirror. "So what's the plan?"

"I made some calls, got seven from those guys."

"Seven thousand dollars?" Amelia was shocked he'd pulled that much from just a few jobs.

He shrugged and turned to face her. "Not so much about the worth of the job, it's willingness and keeping quiet, the availability for other jobs. Favors and shit."

She'd never understand the way they did business. "Okay, so that with our cash and Tory's we have almost thirteen, the rest shouldn't be that hard."

"Not hard, no, but we're solo tonight so I don't want to take any chances."


Tory was there at the bar when Juice, sans his cut, and Amelia arrived. He'd be of no help but he wanted to watch and on the off chance something did go off an extra pair of hands would be of service.

They had a few drinks before Amelia skipped toward the pool table with Juice in tow. They played, Juice making a show of helping her and ruining his own shots. He and one of the other patrons shared a look and a smirk, Juice even made a comment as her back was turned.

"At least I'll be getting laid." He joked, pointing to her as she bent over the table to like up her shot. "Look at you, baby, you beat me!"

Thrilled, Amelia jumped on him and giggled. "I want to play again."

"Let's play at home," he suggested.

"Here, I want to play here." Jumping off him she smirked and looked at the men by the other pool table. "Who wants to play?" She pulled some cash from her purse and dropped it on the table. "Please boys?"

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