Mega had never been in love before; yet he recognized the feeling instantly. The way his face grew hot, the slight dizzyness, his increased heart rate. There was no doubt about it. Mega was in love with George.
At the time, Mega was sitting on the couch in his and George's shared apartment — they had moved in together, due to the fact that they already lived near each other. He'd been feeling somewhat hot that day, but he assumed it was just the approaching summer weather.
"Hey, Mega!" George greeted as he entered the room. Mega's cheeks lit up and he gave a shy smile, heart and head pounding.
George frowned, examining Mega's face. "Are you okay?" he asked. "You don't look all that good..."
Mega was about to nod, but George put his hand on Mega's forehead before he could. Mega's heart stopped. George's hand was soft, softer than he'd imagined. He just wanted him to keep his hand there for the rest of time.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. And what an end it came to. "Holy- Mega, I think you have a fever!" George exclaimed.
Mega blinked. He certainly hadn't expected that.
"I'll be right back," George said before leaving the room.
While waiting for George, Mega thought about the conclusion George had come to. Was he actually sick? Now that he thought about it, the dizziness and heat he'd grown used to experiencing while around George persisted even after the taller boy had left.
George returned a minute later, thermometer in hand. He handed it to Mega, who placed the end of it under his tongue. It beeped after a minute, declaring Mega's temperature to be 38.2°C ((100.8°F for the Americans, including me)). Both boys' eyes widened at the reading.
"Oh my god, you need to rest!" George gently pushed Mega so he was lying on the couch before fetching a blanket and some medicine. Mega's heart fluttered at how caring he was.
Once Mega had taken the medicine and was settled on the couch, George asked, "Do you need anything else?"
I need you.
I need you to hold me and never let go.
I need you to kiss me until I pass out from lack of air.
Mega blushed and looked to the side. Ever so slowly, he held out his arms, wordlessly asking for a hug. George smiled and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. Mega exhaled and leaned into George's shoulder, heart singing. His mind repeated the words "I love you" over and over again, to the point that he didn't even realize he'd mumbled it out loud until George squeezed him gently and answered, "I love you, too."
Mega's heart jumped before George pulled back and pushed him back down onto the couch. "Now, you need rest. I'll check on you later, okay?"
Mega nodded, then buried his face in the blanket. He felt giddy.
He loved George, and George loved him back.
I'll try and get back into regular updates, they probably won't be daily tho cause school is a bish
love you guys <3

SpifeyPVP Oneshots
Romance[Art by me] Some oneshots of this ship (SUPER underrated ship btw), if you don't like the ship please don't hate, just click away NOTE: I have no intentions of forcing the ship or a sexuality on Spifey, MegaPVP, or anyone else in this book, and I do...