Chapter One

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She crept quietly up to the window at the side of the mansion. She gazed at the glazed glass that reflected only cool, fall moonlight. She felt herself stiffen as her hands hovered over the sill. Daya knew this window was always unlocked, but was it open because it was a trap?

She realized it was pointless whether it was a trap or not. She needed to feed her family more than anything and she was willing to die trying.

Slowly, Daya lifted the window and pulled herself up over the ledge. Then she threw her leg over into the house and entered quietly. Daya was even certain she was quiet.

Through the light of the moon, Daya could see a magnificent parlor with couches of gentle creams and roses. For a moment, she only looked over the polished floors and mighty stone hearth.

Daya quietly began to creep toward where she believed the kitchen was. She walked down a corridor, turned left and started down another. The mansion seemed bigger on the outside than the inside. It was nearly castle-like.

Finally, she had found the kitchen and excitedly bounded to the fridge. This was it! She opened the fridge and began filling her bag full of provisions.

Suddenly, she felt a wave of fear over her. She turned around, the light in the fridge illuminating the room. There, before her, she saw the lady of the house.

"L-lady Mitrea...," Daya stuttered in terror.

"Oh! Little girl, so nice of you to drop in!" Daya began to back away towards the doorway. A tall man blocked her path. He grinned and she shuddered upon seeing his fangs. 

"Did no one tell you that vampires only consume blood?" The Lady remarked, walking toward her with amusement in her eyes. Daya couldn't answer.

"Cat got your tongue?" The man behind her smirked. Daya felt reality set in and a wave of stupidity came over her. How could she possibly have messed up this bad? She knew that vampires only ate blood and yet she fell right into their trap. 

"I'm assuming a little thief like you won't be missed," the Lady said, reaching for Daya. She screamed and shoved her away as hard as she could. She bolted to the other side of the kitchen and sprinted through various rooms. 

"You insolent bitch!" the vampire screamed and she could hear quick footsteps behind her. Daya through herself through a door, slammed it and locked it. She turned around in a panic and seeing stairs below her, raced down them. She had no idea what could be down there, but it had to be better than two blood-thirsty vampires. 

She tripped on a middle step and went crashing down the rest, landing on hard cement with an oof. Daya felt tears come to her eyes and she began to sob wildly as she stood up. She wiped at her eyes and began to run to her left down a corridor. It was extremely dark, and only some moonlight that peaked through curtained windows guided her. She came to the end of the hallway and stopped breathing heavily. It was silent. She doubted she wasn't still being hunted anymore. They could smell her, sense her, hear her heart beat. Her breath racked her longs viciously as she tried to calm down. She felt hot and suffocated, looking at the brick wall before her. Then, she noticed something. It seemed like a hairline fracture in the brick; she looked closer at it. It seemed too intentional to be an accident. Gently, she placed her hands next to the crack and pushed. The wall roughly came inward, revealing another hallway. Daya's brows rose in surprise. 

Off in the distance, there was the sound of hissing. Daya had no clue what it was, but she hopped inside and pushed the wall back to being closed. She shivered as she was in complete darkness now. Tears poured from her eyes again; why had she done that? Now she was even more lost. Shivering, she racked her brain for ideas. 

The only way is forward she thought. She shakily put a hand on the wall to steady herself and began walking. Her footsteps echoed in the hallway, and she felt incredibly loud for the first time in the entire ordeal that she had been through. 

Now that there was time to think, Daya began to realize how screwed she was. What was going to happen to her if she was caught? What was going to happen to her if she wasn't? A lump formed in her throat and a not began in her stomach. She was going to die here. She was going to suffer and die and her family would never get help. Her heart was beating rapidly. 

"It's terrifying, isn't it?" Daya whipped around to face the voice and squealed in fear and surprise. A young man was leaning on the wall directly behind her. He was casual and collected. 

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" He said, putting his hands up gently. Daya felt tears rolling down her cheeks rapidly again. This was it, she was going to die now. 

"I'm not trying to attack you, you're the one who walked into my part of the house!" He said innocently. Daya sobbed, nodding her head in agreement. 

"So, why are you here?" He asked. This time he was more serious and intimidating. Daya couldn't speak. There was no way that she could explain this.

"It's just another one that fell for the trap," Lady Mitrea said. Daya began to hyperventilate. 

"Oh, so  a snack," the young vampire said next to her. He was sizing Daya up now. Daya closed her eyes. 

"She can join the others and we'll see if she can make herself useful." Lady Mitrea said. Daya paused, others? 

"It does seem like she got farther than the other ones." 

"Well, they usually run upstairs," the Lady replied, "Now, what is your name, thief?" Daya couldn't seem to find her words. She choked and sputtered on tears. Her face heating up from it all. 

"D-Daya," she finally spat it out. 

"Daya, do you know what happens to girls like you who run instead of plead for mercy?" Lady Mitrea asked. Daya shook her head no, she was still shaking and crying. 

"We put them to work." the Lady said definitely. 

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