Chapter 1: A Skeleton and a Human

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You walk to your computer and turn it on. You are 23 years old and living in your own apartment. You're an excellent student in your university and quite the (pretty/handsome) (gal/guy). You have been playing Undertale since 16 and have played countless pacifist and genocide routes. You turned on the game and loaded your file. Frisk appeared at the judgement hall and they were about to fight Sans. You move frisk over to Sans and you start the fight. But Sans started to talk weird, he was actually talking to you instead of Frisk. You shrugged it off until he said:

*Its time to stop punishing this kid, and punish you instead.

Fear started to run through your veins. Then Sans unleashed a bone attack towards the screen. You figured it would just crash the game, but instead, a bone came flying out of the computer, breaking the screen. You quickly get out of its way and it goes flying out your open window. "What the?!" You said, staring at your now broken computer. Then a skeleton hand grabbed the edges of the computer, seeming to pull itself out.

At this point you were panicking and no longer wanted to be in the premises. You run to your window and look down. The window was big enough for you to fit, and was only two stories tall. You'd rather have a broken bone that to be with that nightmare, so you jumped.

But soon you realize that you were not falling, you were actually levitating. You first questioned this until you realized that you were blue. "His blue attack-!" you said to yourself, then was immediately pulled back into your room, only to see the skeleton himself standing there. "You can't be real-! This HAS to be a dream!!" Sans chuckled, then threw you down to the floor, knocking the wind out of you. "Heh, I'd say otherwise." Said Sans, walking up to you and staring you down as you slowly got up.

But just as you got up, you turned blue again and was thrown to your ceiling. Without thinking, you jumped, and you saw bones form under you. This continued a few more times until one went through your shoulder. You gasped in pain as you felt blood trickle down your chest and your arm.

Sans chuckled to himself. "For someone who played flawlessly in the game, you seem less experienced in reality." He said as he walked up to you. "Too bad. I wanted a real battle as I watched you die." You looked behind Sans and saw a Gaster Blaster. You felt fear course through you again as you watched it charge.

"(Yn/a)! What's going on in there?!" Your friend Sam yelled, knocking on your front door. The Gaster Blaster disappeared and Sans looked past the bedroom door, and you both heard clicking noises. Sam was using the spare key you gave him to open the door. The 4'8 skeleton somehow picked you up bridal style. You looked at him confused, but you couldn't help but get flustered at it. "Let's take this somewhere else shall we?" He said, looking at you with his normal black and white eyes, which you haven't seen since the game. He then ran to the computer and jumped. you tried to get off of him but it was too late. Somehow, both you and Sans entered the broken computer.

Everything went black.

(565 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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