Chapter One

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Chapter 1

A brisk walk through Manhattan is the perfect wake-up call. With the sunshine warming my cheeks, and the wind chasing away any last remnants of sleep. It also means that things are at peace with the gods.

Or at least, Zeus is in a good mood.

When you work for the gods, you learn to look at the world from a new perspective. I work for H.E.R.A. - Hell and Earth Relations Agency. It's our job to make sure all the gods and monsters in the human realm are behaving themselves.

Or at least fill out paperwork and make a report about them in my case...

"Iris !"

I turn around, "Ruby! You're a little early today, aren't you?"

"Hey, I'm not always late, you know!" the female pouted.

Ruby and I have been friends ever since she started working in my department.

"Was Bruno not around to keep you all night with one of his new compositions?" I ask, tilting my head to the side as I stared at the dark haired female.

"He left early this morning to prepare for that gig of his coming up this weekend up in Buffalo." She smiled and clapped her hands excitedly. She's always full of energy, but maybe a little too much sometimes.

"Aren't you worried what trouble four Satyrs might get into without your supervision?" I ask.

"He'll be fine! I trust him!" She assured.

Let's just say she has a thing for monsters.

"That's what you said last time when you were dating that Kobalos.." I explain skeptically.

"Bruno's different! He's a keeper!"

"Right, right.."

Ruby and I continue our walk up the street. As we turn a corner, H.E.R.A. HQ looms in the distance, a perfect blend with the New York cityscape. No one would suspect that this is where all matters of relations between Olympus and Earth are investigated, settled and, ultimately, put to rest.

Ruby turned to me, making small talk as we continued walking, "So then, he was telling me, the last gig they were at, a bunch of harpies started-" she stops mid-sentence and points towards a group of people in suits, "Iris , look!"

It's a group of H.E.R.A. field agents on their way out of the building. Each of them is wearing a badge on their belt that represents the god they report to. They pass by us without even making eye contact, but I can't help but stare at their backs as they walk off into the distance.

Ruby sighed in amazement, "Wow...Did you see? That one with the beard, he had a lightning bolt badge!"

"I guess Zeus made them work late into the night to prepare for the summit." I shrug.

One of these days..I'm going to wear one of those badges.

"Oh, wait, that reminds me!" Ruby exclaimed, "Could you help me file the paperwork to get that summit pass for Achilles?"

"I'm a little busy today," I sighed, "But I'll see what I can do."

Until the day I get that badge, though, 'Godly paperwork' is my job.

"Thanks, Iris ! You're the best!"

I give Ruby a smile as we enter the building through the revolving doors.

After we went up the elevator to our floor, I glance at my watch and notice I've still got plenty of time until I have to be at my desk.

"Looks like I got time for some tea." I mumble, smiling to myself as I start to think of the heavenly smell of Earl Gray tea. I stop by the tea maker when I see a woman standing alone and scanning the group. 'I wonder who she's looking for.' I think to myself as I move my way to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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