Shigi x Dabi 2

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The door burst open to reveal the rest of the league.
"Hah no." Mr compress exclaimed
"This do be kinda hot tho." Twice squealed
"Wait we can explain!" Crusty boi shouted.
"I'd rather not stay to hear" the rest of the league agreed with each other and just walked away from the room but leaving the door open.
"Well that didn't turn out very well did it?"
"I guess it didn't shigaraki." Toga said as she sat in the corner of the room.
"Wait what the fuck are you doing here!?" Dabi shouted over to her.
"I've been here the whole time you dumbass. You two must have been so horny that you barely looked around the room before you started banging."
"Wait what the fuck!" Shigi yelled at Toga.
"You were here the whole time and didn't say anything?" Dabi questioned Toga.
"I don't know I was bored." Toga answered.
"Well could you maybe, I don't know... GET THE FUCK OUT!" Shigi screamed.
"Ok, fuck." Toga sighed as she left the room and closed the door behind her.
Both of the boys sighed and then started laughing.
"That went really really badly actually." Dabi sighed at Shigi.
"Uh... yeah( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Shigi said whilst laughing.
They both started to get their clothes back on and left the room.
"Are we gonna do this again some time soon?" Shigi questioned.
"Maybe." Dabi said with a smirk.
Dabi walked back to the abandoned house that he was currently squatting inside of.
It was made of red brick and the cement was showing. The inside looked like a bomb went off there was basically nothing in there but walls and a roof. There was a large wooden staircase. He went up to the second floor but heard a sound in one of the rooms there. He peeked around the doorframe and saw a bunch of thugs looting his bedroom.
"What the FUCK are you guys doing here?!" Dabi screamed at the intruders.
" we live here now asshole so move along!" Shouted one of the thugs.
"Well I'm not going anytime soon." Dabi retaliated.
One of the thugs went up to punch him but Dabi easily grabbed his face and turned him to ashes.
"Now fuck off!" Dabi screamed as he set all of the people in the room ablaze with his quirk.
"Fuck some of my stuffs probably gone now." Dabi sighed. He looked over the bodies of the thugs there wasn't lots left of them but their clothes were still mostly intact. He grabbed their jackets and started to cut them apart and sew bits and pieces back together to form a new jacket one that was long and a murky green colour but with dirt around the bottom.
"Finally some new clothes!" Dabi exclaimed. 

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