Chapter Seven

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Royce glared beneath the brim of a feather-trimmed hat. "I told you I would hunt you down."

The colour left Endymion's cheeks, but other than that he showed no sign of alarm. "Indeed you did. I'm amazed you managed it at your age."

With barely a wrinkle, Royce could not have been older than thirty, but compared to Endymion and Caroline, he was far past the first flush of youth. He overlooked the insult.

"I will admit, Wiggins, I did not expect to find you behind the mask." The tips of his moustache drooped in disgust. "Never thought you'd have the nerve to tangle with me."

"As I said. Faint heart..."

Royce scoffed. "It was quite a clever act, posing as a robber. But you weren't clever enough to cover your tracks. Now, where are you hiding the little brat?"

Endymion's brows pinched. "Mind your tongue, Royce."

"What, you still challenge me?" He looked surprised and laughed. "I am the one holding the pistol now, little man, and I have no qualms about using it. Hand over my belongings and tell me where she is and I may spare you."

Hammering arose as Caroline beat her fists inside the chest. "Wait, Royce. Wait! Don't harm him."

At the sound of her muffled voice, Royce looked around, eyes settling on the chest. "Are you ready to come willingly?" he called.

"Caroline, stay where you are," said Endymion.

She began to sob. "Let Endymion go and I will do as you bid."

Disheartened, Endymion looked heavenward and shut his eyes.

"And you," said Royce, staring at him down the barrel of the pistol. "If you dare inform the magistrate about this, Caroline's life will be over."

"I promise you his silence," she called. "Endymion will not go to the magistrate. Swear it, Endymion."

Regret tugged his features. After the risk he had taken to save her, how could he swear to keep silent and hand her over to a black-hearted villain? Stillness stretched out and Royce waited, growing impatient for his rival's answer.

Endymion dealt him a resolute stare. "No, Caroline. As long as I live and breathe, he will not have you. He will pay for his felony."

Before Royce could react, Endymion dived for the pistol and forced it high in the air, then kicked him in the knee. The other man's leg buckled, and he roared, but he recovered in an instant and grappled for control of the weapon. Millicent covered her ears and spun away as the pistol misfired, the bang ripping the air. A breeze flapped the curtains at the open window and the patter of rain outside on the cobbles filled the silence that followed. A few raindrops blew inside and splashed upon the floor.

This was the worst bit about having 'the gift', witnessing an untimely end. Who wanted to see someone's Uncle Wally choking to death on a chicken bone? Or Cousin Eglantine hurling herself from Tower Bridge after a lovers' tiff with a Polish bassoon player? And now this, a rescue attempt gone tragically wrong. She forced herself to turn and look, already certain of the outcome. Through the drifting gunpowder smoke, only Royce remained standing.

"Endymion?" called Caroline.

"He made his choice," replied Royce.

Caroline shouted at him between sobs, and Millicent expected the landlord to come running at the sound of the commotion. But her intuition told her the lone innkeeper was bound and gagged in the cellar thanks to Royce.

"You monster," Caroline yelled through the wooden panel. "How could you? Do you hear me, Royce? Make no mistake, I will go straight to the magistrate myself now. You will hang for murder!"

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