like what my man bruno said in his song, count on me

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[ word count: 992 ]

Xaleej stormed off to the attic after having a huge fight with her best friend.

Her foot stumbled one of the Robo-Haul-It boxes on the way, dampening her mood even more.

Xaleej grumble curses left and right before attempting to calm down, counting to ten.

She was going to miss her friends so much.

Xaleej didn't want to fight with Drev, especially since they were moving away next week.

The implanted comm on her wrist pinged. Her stepmom yelled through it for them to hurry and clean the attic. Xaleej got to it, sighing.

That was when she found an old moleskin journal. 

It was her grandmother's.

From the year 2020.


Dearest nerds,

To my friends who stayed up until 4 AM to listen to me babble about how crazy, stupid, in love I am with Tom Holland's curly hair on video chat— you guys are the best.

2020 has hit our lives the hardest.

We're always cooped up in our rooms. Reading, writing, and dreaming of everything, and nothing that we don't even notice the sun come up.

But being alone with our thoughts can be scary sometimes.

One minute, your planning your imaginary date with one of the Hollywood Chrises, and the next—you're thinking about ending things. That's all it takes, it's only a second before you spiral down to the rabbit hole of dark thoughts.

We all need a friend to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. Like what my man, Bruno said in his song,

If you find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,

I'll be the light to guide you.

And for me, I'm thankful for my girl friends. Let's hide their identities with greek goddesses for code names.

Athena, Hera, and Hestia.

And for my boy-space-friends, my charming knights in shining cosplays, let's name you after planets.

Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter.

Count 1, 2, 3... They'll be there. They'll always have your back.

Oh, how I wish we could Netflix and Chill at Athena's place right now. Her crib was our number one place to hang out on. We would buy powdered juice packets from the store next door and gather around their front yard.

We would sip our orange juice like nice, fine, and sophisticated ladies.

When this pandemic is over, Athena, we'll storm off your place and have a sleepover for the reunion!

Hera always treats me and pays for my food when we go out because I always tell them that I'm broke, which is partly true.

You can't blame me for saving up money for a one-way plane ticket to the UK so that I can force David Tennant to adopt me off the streets.

Hopefully, this will all be over by next year. So empty your stomach, Hera-- because we're going on a no-budget spree to McDonald's!

Hestia and Jupiter were always the ones who had to endure my gushing on cute cat pics. They would simultaneously listen to my nonsense complaints about life— so thank you. I don't know what I would do without you guys.

Hestia, I can't wait to watch a horror movie with you. It'll be us against the world. We're two dumb teenagers, who'll try to woman up and watch a horror movie without their parents and possibly fail. I truly can't wait.

To my three knights, I love you all 3000.

We'll have to crash at Mercury's place again because their house is so nice. Their living room is air-conditioned!

Mars, you owe me a chicken nugget!

I will throw a rock at your window, Jupiter if you won't come with us this time. I'm warning you—we live in the same neighborhood, dude, fight me! And also, thank you for that heart-to-heart talk last month. That was one long video chat.

3 hrs, 10 mins which ended at 4:22 AM, to be exact.

I took a screenshot. Ju, you're my first best friend that's a guy.

You know, for some twisted reason, I asked God a year ago to give me a guy best friend. Straight or gay, I don't give a hoot, just give me one!

Then he gave me three.

But I also specifically asked him to not let me fall in love with said guy best friend.

I know how cliché this sounds, but I read books and the girl always falls in love with her best friend! Whether they end up or not, she does fall for him at some point.

So, I intentionally prayed that I should not have feelings for any of the guy friends He will give me.

I guess I should have prayed harder.

Because Jupiter, you're amazing. You're smart, charismatic, and hella funny— but I accept the fact we'll never be on the same page.

Because back then, you admitted to me that you liked me and I disregarded that because I thought it was just one of your stupid jokes.

And now, we're flipped.

I saw you more than a friend a little to late.

But that's alright, we'll move on. By the way, I will slap you in the face so bad when we finally meet again in person after this outbreak because you made me cry after our deep talk at 4 AM!

I hate you lol. But life is too short to hold a grudge.

You all mean so much to me.

Count 1, 2, 3...maybe count till 5 because I do have a tendency to be late at anything I do. But nevertheless, I'll be there.

See you soon.

Love, your friendly neighborhood loser,



That was what made Xaleej realize the importance of friendship.

Because once you move away to a different place, you can always still be friends with the other person, right?

Life is to short to hold a grudge.

So, say hello to an old friend or two.

Xaleej ran out of her house and knocked on Drev's door. 

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