Mitch's life (Back To Step One)

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"Lachlan! Please just let me leave!" I shouted, attempting to pull my arm of his grasp.

Vikk, Rob, Lachlan and Preston had forced me to go on a ski trip with them to 'have fun'. I've tried jumping off the ski lift... That didn't work. Vikk pulled me back onto my seat.

I honestly didn't even bother moving on my way down the hill and if I fell, I stayed there, waiting for someone to pick me up off the snow.

I loosing all hope I've ever had of surviving in this fucked up world. Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I lost that the day Jerome died. I made a promise to him, and I'm going to keep it.

"Mitch, buddy. Time to get up." I groaned as I pulled my blanket above my head, making it clear that I didn't want to leave my bed.

I heard a sigh come from whoever it was that spoke, and soon after I felt someone sink onto the end of my bed.

"You can't keep living like this Mitch. You're better than this. I know you are." It was Lachlan. "Just leave... I'm ruining the trip for everyone. Go have fun." Another sigh...

"You know we can't just 'leave you' dood. First of all, you might kill yourself, which you've already tried when you were with Vikk, never mind by yourself. Second, we came here to cheer you up. Not for us." Still not convinced.

"It's what he would want. You know that right." My body went stiff, breathing slow and heavy. "I bet he's watching. Do you think this is what he wants to watch? All he's feel is guilt. Nobody wants that Mitch..."

I can't take this anymore... It hurts.

"Fine... I'll come on you stupid ski thing." It was my turn to sigh. He threw my clothes at me along with my phone. "You should check some of the tweets I tagged you in. You never know, some might help?" Lachlan said with a smile. I nodded.

"Thank you Lachlan... For everything." I said. "No biggie Mitch. We're just going back to square one, except this time with a different person. Maybe this time we can get it right. A new beginning and end." I chuckled. "That was way too cheesy Lachlan."

He smirked. "I know, now get dressed."

"Oi! Fish, fish, fish!" I shook my head at the guys fake argument in the background.

"I wish I could've done something to stop you Jerome..." I whispered, pulling my gear on. "I really do..."

"Mitch! You nearly done in there buddy?" It was Preston. "Yeah, just let me check my phone!" I called back.

I could feel the smile on his face through the door. "You're gonna love this dood, I swear." That made me smile. "I better. If not, you guys owe me 20 bucks." This made him chuckle. "Dream on." I heard his footsteps fade as he walked down the hallway. This is the happiest I've felt in a while.

I slid my finger over my phone to unlock it. I chuckled to myself as a picture of Jerome faded onto the my screen behind my apps. He was always nagging at me to get a code for my phone and continuing to hack my twitter and instagram whenever he got the chance.

I clicked on the twitter icon I had placed in my hot-bar for convenience. As soon as I clicked on my notifications, I was bombarded with amazing, heartfelt tweets and edits. And some hate comments, but nothing I wasn't used to.

There was one tweet that Lachlan tagged me in from a girl called Katy. She had an amazing merome profile picture that I decided to take a picture of. It cheered me up to say the least, but the tweet was even better.

'Hey Mitch, I know you probably won't see this, but you have to stay strong. For me, please. You're the only reason I'm alive. I'll loose all purpose on this word if I loose you <3'

"Holy shit..." I muttered to myself, favouriting and responding to tweets, giving the exact same amount of love back to them as they gave to me.

I stood in the same spot for about an hour doing the same thing until the pack had to come and pry the phone from my hands.

"But I wasn't finished." I whined as they pushed me into the car Matt lent us. "Too bad. You can tweet more people later. Damn." Rob laughed. "Told you." Lachlan chirped, making me grin.

I'm so lucky...


We arrived at the ski hill after twenty minutes of driving. It was huge and had a lot of different routes from what I could see. It was a different hill from the one we went down a few days ago.

"Okay, who's getting all warm and fuzzy on the ski lift?" Rob asked, turning towards the group. We all stopped and looked around. Lachan spoke first. "I'll go with Mitch, you know, to make sure nothing- never mind." I knew what he meant, but I didn't react. "I'm down." I smiled. Wow, what's gotten into me today?

"Poofless?" Preston gave Rob the puppy dog eyes. "Poofless." He confirmed. Preston launched himself onto Rob, resulting in the two males falling into the snow covered ground, laughing.

"I wanted to be alone anyway." Vikk gave a fake sniff. "I think there's enough room for one more?" I said, looking at Lachlan. He nodded and picked up Vikk, carrying him to the lift. "Wait! Lachy! My skis!" He yelled in-between bursts of laughter. Lachlan groaned, placing Vikk back on his feet. "Fine."

I continued walking forward, leaving the scene behind me. Once I got to the lift, I sat on the snow. That was my first mistake...

"R.K.O FROM OUTTA NOWHERE!" Lachlan screamed, spraying my with snow and ice whilst throwing snowballs at me. "You're in for it." I smirked, getting to my feet and chasing him, before talking him to the ground.

"GG boyz!" I cheered, pulling myself off the ground and dusting the snow off my gloves. "Let's go." Vikk yelled, running for the lifts. Everyone else walked behind him talking and laughing. Everyone apart from me. I stayed at the back of the group, just thinking.

He would've loved this...

-On Hold- Problems On A Page (A merome fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now