Harry x Reader (Partner)

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Steal to survive. Everyone on the Isle was doing it. Some more... drastically than others but steal they did.
Revenge and hatred was another thing everyone was caught up on. It was a constant hunt for power and rule, which you would expect from villains. Hatred in families wasn't necessarily common. It was more back handed love. Although hatred was strong in your family. Towards you atleast. You were the eldest daughter of Mother Gothel. Being the eldest of three you were forced and expected everyday to provide for the family, while the other two were up lifted and privileged. Taught the proper ways and allowed to spend all their time however they pleased. From the age of 7 you had been sent out every morning, without any knowledge of how to steal or fight, and find as much food for the family as possible. You were also required to return with atleast 3 valuable things per day or your family wouldn't attempt to hide how much they hated you. But you didn't really care. You were a proudly, self taught and very talented thief and escape artist. You are familiar with many different fighting styles requiring different weapons, and prided yourself on pissing off the two highest gangs by consistently stealing, and escaping from them. You had a reputation, and while you were proud, you were exhausted and wanted it to end. You didn't want to be lonely anymore.

Over the span of a couple of months, it had started to get to you. Many times you would consider getting captured for the sake of not having to be alone, but you always decided against it in the end. But you became more reckless. Doing more 'death defying' escapes and not really caring because escaping was easy now.

It was starting to reach the end of you caring, when you snuck onto Uma's ship. You decided to visit Harry's room this time because you had seen him steal some very valuable looking jewellery. You smiled at his form, sprawled out on his way too small bed. If there's was anyone you wish you could be lonely with, it would be him. He seemed like he had the best fun, and he was attractive. You started to rummage through his draws, pocketing loose jewellery and coins until you reach a rather scrappy notebook. Inside you read roughly scrawled notes, scattered between sketchy pictures of a girl that looked like you. You heard Harry still behind you and you quickly shut the draw and put the book on top. You snuck out and quietly walked down the hallway. Before you reached the fort to the deck, you felt something cold and sharp being held against the back of your neck.
"Ah, the infamous y/n. I don't see any escape plan now lass."
You sighed, before you turned your head slightly to the side to respond.
"Just kill me now Hook, because I am done saving myself."
You didn't mean to sound broken, but it was like the last bit of effort to keep going had been released through that sentence. Harry remained unmoving behind you. You let out a sad laugh.
"Ah, the infamous Harry Hook, lost for words. Never thought I'd witness that."
You felt the blade lower from the back of your neck. He sighed.
"Goddammit y/n."
You heard his retreating footsteps and turned to see his messy bed hair and uncovered torso standing in his doorway.
"Are you coming or gonna keep standing there ogling?" He smirked. You cautiously followed him into his room. He sits on his bed, back against the headrest and hands behind his head. He motions for you to sit aswell.
"So tell me lass, what's gotten you into a giving up mood." You raised your eyebrows at him. He just shrugged and smiled.
"Just tired of being pushed around and de valued by my 'family'" you made quotation marks with your fingers.
"Well let me tell you lass, that a quite deal of us pirates round here find you very admirable. As much as it pisses us off when you steal from us and escape, no one else can do that. And you steal from Mal's gang as well which is very favourable around here."
"Quite a deal?" You give him a questioning look and catch yourself glancing at the notebook on top of the draws. He looked towards the notebook as well and sighed, before removing his hands from behind his head.
"Well at least one of the highest authorities round here does. Speaking of, mind placing that jewellery you stole back into the draw? All of it."
"One condition."
"Don't think you are really in the position to be able to make demands but continue." You point to the journal.
"Why me?" He shrugged and stood up from his bed.
"Why not?"
You watched as he grabs his white shirt and pulls it on before heading for the door. He pauses and turns to you.
"I will let Uma know that we have a new addition to our crew. She will be happy tp accept you considering you are successful in stealing from and pissing off our enemy gang. There is a spare room conveniently just across the hall. Considering you are very talented in all different fighting styles training won't be necessary which will be another positive. I'll propose you and I being partners which she most likely love and we can tear up the Isle together." He started to disappear out his door.
"Wait!" He pokes his head back into his doorway.
"What makes you think I want to... you know"
"What've you got to lose, partner?"

Harry Hook x Reader One shots {Happy to accept requests}Where stories live. Discover now