3: Tiny Dancer

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A few months later

I stared at myself in the mirror. I wished I saw the girl I used to know staring back at me, but I had changed. I was wearing more professional clothes now, and well... I didn't have to worry about money anymore. I hated that Taron insisted on buying me clothes, he considered them "work clothing". I thanked him for it, more than once. But I was all too reminded of what my life would look like again when I got back to my old life. No fancy hotels, no fancy dresses, no Taron.

I took in my body in a simple black dress that had cost a fortune. I insisted on wearing simple black dresses, the code for "staff". I didn't want anyone to think I was famous. Red carpets still felt strange to me, but I wasn't in the spotlight, Taron was. I didn't know how he did it.

I cleared my throat and headed for the room next door.

My heart was leaping out of my chest, like it did every time I was about to see Taron.

I knocked.

"Come in" I heard him call.

I slowly opened the door to find him sitting on the couch. I had to laugh at his attire. He was still in jeans and a white tee, his ankle resting on his knee.

"What?" he looked up from his iPhone and instantly put it on the coffee table and focused on me.

I loved when he did that.

"You should get ready!" I teased him.

"Well am I supposed to get ready all on my own?" he asked rhetorically "Or what am I paying you for?" he winked.

I knew he was only teasing me.

Then his eyes swept over my body and my skin heated up. I knew the dress looked good on me, it had to be the price that brought a certain body flattering with it. But Taron's eyes on me was all I cared about.

It had been a few months since we have started working together. Gareth had been great and I had learnt a lot from him. And Taron seemed to be stoked with what I came up with as well. We had taken a tour all through Europe. Tonight was the NYC premiere of Rocketman. And I was happy to be back home. Even if I wish I had some time off to catch up with Jenny. We had barely seen each other the last few months. Whenever we talked on the phone she told me to ask Taron out but I didn't want to be unprofessional. We had to keep things professional if we wanted to work together. Going out would only complicate things. But I couldn't help thinking about him being more than just a client to me. At night, my thoughts travelled to other places. Places where we were lovers. And let me tell you, the way I imagined he would be in bed, had me breathless more than one night.

I wished I could just get rid of my crush on him. But I couldn't. Especially not when we were spending so much time together and he looked at me like that.

As if on cue there was another knock on the door. It was Nina, his makeup artist and hair stylist. Not like Taron needed it though.

"Hey" she smiled when she saw us and hugged first me, then Taron.

"Are you ready, T?" she asked and set up all her tubes of makeup.

I shook my head ever so slightly. I would never understand why Taron had to wear makeup.

He sighed as he got up "As ready as I'll ever be"

He took a seat in one of the chairs. Everything looked so expensive around here. I never thought I'd stay in a hotel on the Upper East Side. It still felt like a dream. And if I knew Taron even a little bit by now, I knew he wasn't impressed by it. He much rather didn't feel at home.

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