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I look down at the polaroid in pitty. What a shame, why can't people just be civilized? The blood drops dripped one by one, like tears. I touched the scar that was above my eyebrow. It stung and felt so fresh...I've been through worse."Park Je-young, 23, lives alone..." I walked around his office, reading his files. Men disgust me to the fullest. The feeling of having someone stab you in the back, makes your heart ache. But then you remember, they don't care. So why should you? Us women have to be protected, yet, men want to take advantage of us. We aren't made to be toys. We were made to be human, to have a reason to live. But they...They make us think otherwise."Asshole." I threw the files over his lifeless body. I squat down and open his closed eyes. He doesn't have the right to have his eyes closed. I want to see how dead he really is inside now.
Kim Jisoo, 25, Past Orphan, Sociopath
5hours earlier...
"I'm so glad you could make it. Oh..." He shook his head, realizing he had made a mistake. Though, I realized right away. His posture, his style, his voice...Everything about him makes me want to puke. How dare he? He stuck out his hand for a handshake, but I refused."I don't do physical contact." He chuckled, "Oh, right." He smiled awkwardly, though, I wasn't phased a bit. I took a seat and called the waitress as he took a seat."One Iced Late please." I crossed my hands and watched his every move. He wasn't much different from the others. "I don't do coffee." He smiled and put a hand up. I wanted to chop up that hand, that hand...he thinks he owns girls? No...I own you. "So, I heard your company wanted to sign the aggrement." I sat up straight. "That's what we are here for." People say that I am beautiful...That I am perfect, I have the right personality. But I think that is all bullshit. They all do that to grab your attention, to gain trust. But once you are in deep enough, they attack. It's never safe. After about 5 minutes of 'awkward silence' the waitress came with my latte. "Here you go ma'am." She left and I gently plassed my fingertips on the rim of my glass, caressing it. He started, "So" He cleared his throat and my attention was now all on him."I know what you are really here for. You can stop pretending." I let out my loud cackle. Finally, we can get down to bussiness. "Why'd you do it?" I asked with an emotionless voice. No matter what his answer will be, I have no mercy. "I'll loan you 1Million dollars to keep your damn mouth shut." It's funny how rich people think money can buy them out and in everything. "I know...everything. And if you think it's okay to treat women like that...You are wrong." He smirked and leaned back in his chair, ammused."Am I? Girls go around dressing like sluts, why not treat them like one? It's not like she didn't want it."
"It's not that we are dressing like sluts, it's that we are just dressing, but you assholes can't keep your dick in your pants." I quickly shot back. It makes me so god damn angry when they feel no guilt. "You're right, Kim Jisoo. But that's just life. If you can't protect yourself, just dress normally." I looked at the condensation that was now dripping down my glass, as I haven't even taken one sip of my coffee. "Okay...You win. I have to go now..." I got up from my chair. "I'm sure we will be meeting again...very soon." I left, but not before taking a sip of my iced coffee.
Didn't feel guilty, huh? I looked at the picture that he had of his wife on his desk. What a fucking lie! He has touched so many women, I don't even think there is enough room left for his 'wife'. But finally..."I've caught you."


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