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The time has finally come. Overwatch is no longer needed again. 

The second Omnic Crisis had come as a surprise to many of us, but even still, when Winston sent out that call to everyone to illegally bring Overwatch back together, I was hesitant. Overwatch always had to obey rules before actually doing anything or saving anyone compared to being a Gun-For-Hire where I could do and take whatever jobs I wanted. Yet, something called me back to them. Maybe I wondered if the rumors were true that the bastard lived... I sent Echo in my place, but I still felt this urge to go back to Overwatch like a dog to a bone. Call it boredom, curiosity, or maybe even a hunch, I did go back to Overwatch. My curiosity was sated, Gabriel lived along with Jack. There were old members and new members all gathered in a meeting room with a large round table. I discovered Gabe wasn't there because he had joined a terrorist group named Talon. We all fought hard against the omnics and Talon and Overwatch came out on top, like always. 

Now it's all over again and it's time to say goodbye. The Petras Act from the United Nations made sure that Overwatch could not exist all thanks to Gabe and his rotten scheme. I found once again that the place I could lay my head to rest was slipping out from under me. It was time to say goodbye again and this time, it stung a lot more. 

Winston told us all our work was done and we could go back to our normal lives or create new ones. He held a party in that same old large meeting room that we all used to gather in. Different foods and drinks from vastly different cultures covered the large oval table. All kinds of different cultures clashed on the table with bratwursts, Swedish meatballs, egg rolls, ramen and other culturally based foods provided for each member of Overwatch. There were drinks aplenty and thankfully, there was whiskey provided. Everyone was grinning from ear to ear, eating delicious food, giving cheers for the end of Overwatch and the start of something new. After hours of partying, people began to file out of the meeting room. Some had big plans, while other members just planned on returning home after being away for such a long time. Every once in awhile, someone would sit by me and ask what my grand plans were now that Overwatch was disbanded. I wasn't too sure what to tell them. I didn't really know.  

While everyone else went their separate ways, I sat in the meeting room much longer than the rest. At one point, it was just Winston and I. He had been cleaning the room and packing away any food that he couldn't convince people to take. I leaned back in my chair and propped my boots up on the cleared table. I pushed my hat down past my eyes and chewed some extra tobacco out of my cigar. Winston hummed a quiet tune as he picked up party poppers and streamers left on the floor. I heard a deep chuckle rise in him as he approached the trash can and threw everything in his hands away.

"You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here cowboy!" Winston grinned as he tried his best to mimic my western tone. 

He made his way over to the chair next to mine and pulled it away from the table. He meticulously cleaned off the chair and sat down while leaning against the table with his arm. He tilted his head ever so slightly trying to meet my gaze under my hat. His roaring laughter had faded to a dull chuckle and his grin became a frown. Part of me wished he would have just gave up and continued cleaning, but I knew I wouldn't get off that easy. 

"Jessie, Overwatch isn't needed anymore. Isn't there something you've always wanted to do? Something different than fighting omnics or Talon for days on end." he grinned and patted me on the back pushing me forward a bit. 

"I haven't thought about it..." I muttered. I pushed my hat back up, removed my boots from the table and turned the swivel chair towards him. I leaned forward and put my forearms on my legs. Winston shifted in his seat and wiped the spot my boots had been with a rag.

"I guess you just go back to being a wanderer? You sound like Hanzo." he cleared his throat and stood from the chair, "He said he was going back to Hanamura to put his past behind him and then 'wander the earth as he seeks redemption.'"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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